Chapter 10 - California Love

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“She’s pretty and she’s nice and she’s fit and her clothes are cute and her voice sounds pretty and she has brown hair and brown eyes and she just seems perfect! Ugh!” I complained to Eleanor as I packed my stuff for California.

I was beyond jealous of Leah. Don’t get me wrong, she was a sweet girl. But I was so jealous. I couldn’t answer why though, because I had yet to figure that out.

“Dylan, calm down. You said she’s nice right? Just try to give her a chance. You’ll get used to her being around Harry. Don’t worry.” Eleanor laughed as she sat on the end of my bed.

“The thing is, I hate that I like her. I didn’t want to like her. It just sort of happened.” I shrugged my shoulders and packed the last of my things into the suitcase.

“Dyl, just try to have fun this week? Okay?” Eleanor asked.

“Trying won’t hurt, I guess.”


“Dylan, you’ll be staying with me in my room, Leah with Harry. Niall and Liam together and Zayn you have your own room it looks like.” Louis smiled towards all of us as we arrived at the beach house.

It was beautiful.

I’m pretty sure I could live here forever.

But forever would have to wait. As always.

I looked over to see Harry smile at Leah then kiss her on the cheek.

I bit my bottom lip and clenched my fists, only to have Louis take me up to our room.

“You okay there? Ya seemed a little tense when you saw Harry kiss Leah on the cheek…” Louis laughed as he closed the door.

I looked around the room and it was quite simple.

Two single beds, a door leading to a bathroom, and two dressers for clothing. A nightstand and lamp on either side of the bed, and a chair in the corner. That was about it.

“Yup, I’m totally fine.” I lied and threw my suitcase on my bed to dig out my bikini to head out to the beach.

“Oh quit your lying” Louis laughed and did the same with his swimsuit.

“I’m not lying at all. Harry and Leah are perfect together. You know, they should really win the worlds cutest fucking couple.” I joked and rolled my eyes.

I found my black and sea green bikini and headed towards the bathroom.

“Someone’s a little jealous!” Louis called after me.

“Hey can you come in here and tie the back of this?!” I yelled from the bathroom.

I heard footsteps coming towards me and within seconds Louis had the back on my bandeau tied.

“Thanks. And I am not jealous.” I lied, once again.

“Dyl, you do realize Eleanor tells me everything. It’s okay to be jealous. I’m jealous of Leah too. She hogs Harry.” Louis fake pouted.

I laughed. “This conversation does not leave this room, alright?”



“You do realize it’s almost midnight?” a deep voice laughed.

I had been sitting on the beach for at least an hour and a half, probably even more, just watching the waves and everything. It was peaceful. And it was nice to get away from everyone, even if it was for a little while.

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