Chapter 18 - Stay With Me

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I pulled away from Niall to find everyone staring at us.

My grip on Harry’s hand had not let go, so it made it even more awkward.

My eyes were wide as everyone just stared in shock.

I turned to Harry and looked down at our intertwined fingers then back up.

He looked so angry.

He looked over to Niall and breathed heavily, giving him the meanest look.

I had no clue why he was giving him this look, or why he was angry.

Maybe because one of his band members had kissed his ex-girlfriend? I don’t know.

I looked over to find Louis’ mouth completely dropped to the floor.

He looked like he was in shock and you could push him over and he’d stay the same as he was now.

Eleanor just looked at me and shrugged her shoulders, but she looked shocked as well.

I turned back to Niall and he was smiling.

I couldn’t help but laugh a little because he looked so adorable. Besides the fact that he was drunk and had no idea what was going on.

I mean, I can’t say that I didn’t enjoy the kiss. I guess it took me by surprise but it was kind of…nice.

What, no. Dylan do not even think about this. He’s one of Harry’s best friends for god’s sake!

I shook the thoughts out of my head and turned to Zayn and Perrie.

Zayn was laughing hysterically.

I’m pretty sure he was drunk, but he just couldn’t stop laughing. Perrie was nudging him in the side, trying to tell him to stop.

I then turned to Danielle and Liam who had the same expressions as Eleanor and Louis.

I felt Harry’s hand leave mine and I turned around to see him stomping out the door.

Why was he so angry? I thought.

“I think I should take you home.” Eleanor came up to me and said.

I nodded feeling awkward with everyone staring at me and just wanting to get out of there.

I felt things would be so awkward between me and Niall now.

“Actually, can you take me to Harry’s?” I asked Eleanor as she was driving towards my flat.

She hesitated at first but finally agreed.

“Thank you. I’ll call you tomorrow.” I said before shutting the door and going up to Harry’s flat.

I had to figure out why he was so angry.

“Harry.” I said knocking on the door.

No answer.

I knocked again and still no answer.

The door was unlocked so I went in to find it empty.

He wasn’t there. I had no clue where he was.

I texted him saying: Hey where are you? We really need to talk. X

He replied in almost an instant.

Harry Styles: Like you would care. Doesn’t matter. We don’t need to talk.

What was his deal?

Well, I’m sitting at your flat right now. And I’m not leaving until you get home sooo.. I replied.

Harry Styles: Guess you’ll be waiting for a while now. Why don’t you head on over to Niall’s place until I get back then. Seems like you two get on pretty well.

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