Chapter 2 - Sunrise

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“Dylan, wake up. Dylannnnnnn” someone was shaking my body and I couldn’t quite grasp on to the whisper.

I groaned and tried to turn over to put my face in the pillow.

“Dylan, wake up.” The whisper continued

My eyes fluttered open and it was dark.

I turned to look at the side of the bed and I saw those glistening green eyes and smiled. I checked the clock on the side of my bed.


4:56 AM?!?!?!

“4:56am?! What the hell, Harry?! Why are you here?!” I sat up and turned on the lap on the side of my bed as he sat on the edge of my bed, his eyes not leaving mine.

“It’s Friday. Our shopping day, remember?” he asked

“Of course I remember! But I thought that wasn’t until later?!” I laid my head back down on the pillow mad that he had wakened me up this early.

“Well, I figured we’d spend the whole day together. Now get up, and get ready. You’ve got twenty minutes.” He said as he walked out of my bedroom.

Harry and I both had keys to each other’s flats, just in case we needed to be there at any given time. Now, I was regret giving him the key to my flat.

There was no way in hell he was letting my go back to sleep, so I got up off the bed quietly, not wanting to wake the sleeping cat and dog on the other side of the bed.

Stella and Boots, my two favorites.

I had showered before bed last night, so I walked over to my closet to grab some clothes.

I changed into skinny jeans, a sweater, and some oxfords.

I walked to the bathroom and turned on the light, it almost blinding me from being so bright.

I was not used to getting up this early, and I never planned on doing so again.

I pulled my long brown hair back into a pony, and lightly brushed on some mascara.

I brushed my teeth quickly and walked out of the bathroom to find an anxious Harry waiting for me.

“You ready to go?” he asked as he walked up to me, grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the door.

“I believe so” I said

We got in the car and my stomach growled. Harry must’ve heard it because he said, “don’t worry, we’ll get breakfast in a little while.”

I smiled warmly at my best friend then turned back to watch the road.

It took us about 25 minutes to get to where we were going, and I myself had no idea where that was.

He pulled into a parking lot of a small park on the outskirts of town.

We both got out of the car and he waited for me to reach him.

It was still dark out, but was now getting lighter.

I checked my phone, 5:35am.

Too early to be doing whatever we’re doing.

We walked a little ways down a path to come to a little lake.

He walked me over to a tree, laid down a blanket and we sat.

“Why are we here? And especially so early?” I laughed a little as I propped myself against the tree.

I stared out into the open lake and it was beautiful.

The sun was peaking away from the trees trying to rise.

“To watch the sunrise silly, what does it look like?” he laughed as he sat next to me.

I smiled and continued to watch the sunrise.

It was beautiful.

“Sing to me” I said as I closed my eyes absorbing the warmth of the sun.

“What?” he said again as he turned his head to look at me.

“Sing to me.” I said once again.

And so he did.

He started singing Rascal Flatts song Sunrise.

I couldn’t help but chuckle to myself at his choice of song.

Well you can’t eat, can’t sleep, down on the floor

Cause you’ve never fell this hard before

And there’s nothing in this world you want more

Than to be free

A smile appeared on my face as he sang.

I rested my head against the tree trunk and listened some more.

And you’re never lost somewhere you swore you’d never go

And the way back looks like a dead end road

But with one step, one breath, one smile at a time

I opened my eyes to see the sun had peaked out fully behind the trees and was rising a little bit over them.

Let me get you out of here

Wipe away all your tears

Now you’re safe in these arms of mine

I won’t ever let you down

Your heart starts to come around

We’re gonna change your life

One sunrise at a time

My smile grew wider as his voice filled the air around us.

He continued on.

Well you can’t get rid of all his lies

Thinking ‘bout him all the time

Can I be the reason you’ve got nothing on your mind?

Oh, let me get you out of here

Wipe away all your tears

Now you’re safe in these arms of mine

I won’t ever let you down

Your heart starts to come around

We’re gonna change your life

One sunrise at a time

His voice was so beautiful.

It was my second favorite thing, the first being him.

Let me hold you tight,

All through the night

‘Til you awake

‘Til all this pain is gone with yesterday

Ooh, let me get you out of here

I won’t ever let you down

Your heart starts to come around

We’re gonna change your life

One sunrise at a time

He finished the song beautifully then smiled at me.

As I smiled back at him, I couldn’t help but think he was directing the song towards me.

Hello lovelies! Here's chapter two! Comment, fan, vote! Also, if you'd like, follow me on twitter! @sexhairharry so tell me what you think! hope you enjoy! xxx

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