Chapter 7 - Leah

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It has been three weeks since Harry and the boys had left and I have honestly been so bored.

My Tuesday’s and Thursday lunches were now to be eaten by myself, or with Perrie when she didn’t have work, and it just wasn’t the same.

Harry and I talked as much as we could, but it was literally no more than three times a week.

I think it’s safe to say that I miss my best friend.

I forced myself to get out of bed even though I had no intentions to go to my classes today.

Come on, Dyl. Three more weeks then you have a small break. Then two more weeks then you have all of December off, you can do it.

But I was so tired and worn out that I felt like I couldn’t.

I slipped into some leggings, pulled a sweater over my head, grabbed some boots and I felt like that had been the best thing I had accomplished all week.

It was Thursday. The boys came back in two months.

Two months too long.


“This is so weird. I haven’t seen your face in like forever.” I said to the curly haired boy over Skype.

“I know. Two more months, pal! Two more months!” he chuckled showing his left dimple.

“Ah, yeah. It’s so boring without you guys here. I have no one besides Perrie, and she’s always with her girls. Eleanor is always busy, and Danielle is always busy with dance.” I sighed and shrugged my shoulders.

“Don’t worry! We’ll be back before you know it! But hey! I need to talk to you about something!” he face became serious

“Alright, shoot.”

“So, I met this girl,” he started and I could suddenly feel my body tense up. Why? Heavens knows. “And so since you’re a girl, I kind of need your girly advice. Like, I want to ask her out on a date and all, but I need to have it be a cute, romantic date, ya know? So what kinds of things do girls like?” he ran his hands through his hair.

“Well, uh, first off. What’s her name?” I asked, with just a tad of jealousy in my voice.

I had no clue why I was jealous.

“Leah Evans” he showed a shy smile.

Leah Evans…I didn’t even know her and I already disliked her. I wasn’t going to say I hate her though, because I don’t. Not yet at least.

“Oh, yeah Leah. She’s all you’ve talked about this whole time.” Louis said as he popped up out of nowhere and sat down so I could see him along with Harry.

“Oh hey, Dyl!” he said again, but this time, he didn’t look annoyed. He was cheery.

I laughed, “hi Louis. And Leah? How’d you meet? Tell me everything!” I acted as excited as I could for my best friend, although I felt like a volcano had erupted in my heart.

He told me everything. From what day they first met, all of their conversations. All of them. How many times they’ve seen each other since, what she’s like.

From what Harry told me, she has brown hair, brown eyes, and she was gorgeous. She was a little shorter than him. She was from the UK. He stated she was nice, but all Louis did in the background was shaking his head and rolled his eyes. Who knows if she’s nice or if she’s the devil like Emma. I guess I’ll just have to wait and see.

“Soooo?” Harry brought me out of my thoughts.

“Well, uh-” my face started to burn. Not from blushing, but from being angry.

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