Chapter 16 - Christmas

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It had been two weeks since we were in California, two weeks since I had gotten excepted to UCLA, two weeks since Harry and Leah had broken up, two weeks since Harry found out I was going to UCLA, and let me tell you. He didn’t take it too well.

Harry Styles: Dylan, I can’t believe you’re just gonna get up and leave like this. Like, you wouldn’t even tell me. I thought best friends told each other everything?

That’s all he seemed to text me about.

Whenever I saw him, we always fought about it. We always fought over text about it too, and then it would get too complicated to text so he would call me and be angry with me.

The past two weeks had been nothing but fighting between me and Harry and I’m pretty sure everyone was sick of it because whenever we brought it up to one of the guys, or whenever I brought it up to one of the girls their responses would always be, “ugh, we get it!”

I was sick of it too. I hated fighting with him. I don’t even understand what’s the big deal.

He even told me that he couldn’t stop me from following my dreams, but it seemed like that’s what he was trying to do.

I didn’t leave for another six months, but he still tried to stop me now.

Christmas was in two days and I was so stressed out.

Christmas time was supposed to bring joy, but it brought nothing but stress to me.

I was frantically trying to buy presents, wrap them, and on top of that Harry was picking fights with me about me moving.

I finally got the urge to reply back to his text, even though I was exhausted.

I’m leaving in six months. What’s the big deal anyways? You told me you can’t stop me from following my dreams, so why are you trying to. I’m going to bed. Have a jolly good night. X

And with that I shut off my phone and went to bed because I knew he would be calling me trying to talk to me.


“I’m here!” I yelled to Harry as I walked into his flat the next night.

We were going over to Louis and Eleanor’s for a Christmas Eve party but Harry wanted me to come over a little while before so we could talk and open presents from each other.

“Be right now.” I could almost feel the tension that was in his voice.

I could feel the tension that was in this flat though.

Since LA, I hadn’t seen him. Since we were fighting, we didn’t hang out at all. So I felt kind of awkward being here.

“Hi.” He said.

I looked up and I swear my mouth fell open.

He looked so hot. He was dressed in a black tux with a red dress shirt underneath, his hair pushed up in a quiff.

It was definitely a plus having a hot best friend. But on the other hand, still being in love with him kind of sucked when he didn’t feel the same way.

“Oh good. We match.” He smiled showing both dimples. Man, did I miss that smile.

I looked down at my outfit, forgetting what I was wearing and sure enough we did match.

I sported a red dress with black tights and black heels. (

My hair was straight and my eyes with coated with gold eye shadows, a thin layer of eye liner and mascara.

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