Chapter 17 - New Years

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“Come on, Dylan! We’re going to be late!” Harry yelled to me from the living room.

I was in the bathroom finishing getting ready to go over to Louis and Eleanor’s for new year’s.

“Almost ready!” I yelled back to him.

I prayed this party wasn’t as big as the last one, but of course I was wrong.

We arrived at Louis and Eleanor’s house and the place was full. There were so many people there.

Harry was wearing all black. Black skinny jeans, a black shirt, and black shoes.

I sported a royal blue strapless dress and sparkly gold pumps. (

My eyes were full of gold eye shadows, a thing line of eyeliner and mascara. My hair was in loose curls and tousled.

I was excited for this party.

“Oh hey! You look gorgeous!” Eleanor complimented me when she came up to greet me and Harry.

“I’m gonna go find the boys. I’ll meet up with you later.” Harry said and kissed me on the cheek.

I nodded. “Thank you! You look gorgeous as well!” I said.

“Thank you, thank you! Want a drink?” Eleanor asked.

I nodded and she brought me to where the bartender was.

“Where’s Danielle and Perrie?” I asked her once we got our drinks.

“I don’t know! I lost them a while ago! There’s so many people here!” Eleanor yelled over the loud music.

“I know!”

Eleanor and I mingled with people for a while until we finally caught glimpse of Perrie. She was with her band talking to some people so we decided not to bother her and to keep looking for Danielle.

I wondered if it was awkward for her to be in the same place as Liam, but I never wanted to ask her.

And to answer my question, I take that as a no.

Eleanor and I walked up to where Danielle, Louis and Liam were standing, having a conversation.

Danielle was laughing at something Liam had said and that’s how I answered my own question.

“Well hey! We’ve been looking for you everywhere!” I said to Danielle as I embraced her in a hug.

“Hey! You look so pretty!” Danielle said as she pulled away from our hug and looked at me.

“As do you! Hey do you guys happen to know where Harry is by any chance?” I asked Danielle, Liam, and Louis.

“I don’t know. He was looking for you with Niall, so it beats me.” Liam shrugged his shoulders.

“Alright, well I’m gonna go look for him then! We’ll meet up with you guys later!” I said as I took off in search for Harry.

I made my way through crowds of people and I couldn’t find him anywhere.

“Dylan!” I heard a girl say and I turned around to see Perrie with Zayn.

“Hey!” I said walking up to her giving her a hug.

We pulled back from our embrace and I said, “Well don’t you look gorgeous! I love that dress!”

“Thank you! You do too! You know Harry and Niall are looking for you?” she asked me.

I nodded. “Yeah! I’m looking for them!”

“They’re over there.” Zayn pointed to Niall and Harry by the bar getting a drink.

“Thanks!” I said and gave Zayn a quick hug then walked over to Harry and Niall.

“Dylan! We’ve been looking for you everyyyyywheerrrreeee!” Niall stumbled towards me spilling part of his drink.

He was drunk, of course.

“Hello to you too, Niall. Maybe you should go sit down and talk to someone so you don’t spill your drink anymore!” I laughed.

“You’re right Dylly. Thanks for that fabulous idea. See ya later.” He said and stumbled off to who knows where.

I shook my head and turned back to Harry. “Hi.” I laughed.

“Don’t worry, I’m not drunk.” He said handing me a drink.

“Thank you. And good because then I’d be in charge of both you and Niall.” I laughed.

“Come on, let’s go somewhere quieter.” He said motioning me to follow him.

We went upstairs to a room where no one was, probably because Louis and Eleanor didn’t want anyone in there.

“Ahhh, peace and quiet.” I said as I sat down on the couch.

The room was pretty. It was very simple, but it was pretty.

“I can’t remember if I told you this all ready or not but you look really beautiful tonight.” Harry said as he sat down next to me.

I felt my face turn red.

I smiled. “Thanks, you look pretty darn good yourself.”

“Awww, you’re blushing.” He smiled showing his adorable dimples.

He was adorable. But at the same time he was so hot.

I really didn’t understand it.

I felt butterflies flood to my stomach and I was suddenly getting nervous.

I smiled to the floor because I could feel my face turn even redder.

“But when you smile at the ground it ain’t hard to tell, you don’t know-oh-oh, you don’t know you’re beautiful…” Harry sang.

I laughed. “You’re such a dork.” I pushed him playfully.

“That’s mean! Don’t push me!” he joked and pouted his lips.

“Guys, the countdowns about to start! If you’re coming, come now!” Liam peaked his head through the door of the room that we were in.

So much for peace and quiet. I thought.

I grabbed Harry’s hand and we followed Liam down to where everyone had already started the countdown.

“28, 27, 26, 25….” Everyone chanted.

I looked over to see who was all around me.

Zayn and Perrie we’re standing next to each other holding hands and laughing.

Louis and Eleanor we’re being cute as always.

Liam and Danielle, surprisingly were standing next to each other holding hands.

Niall was off in the corner chanting by himself and drinking his beer. Poor Niall.

And I was with my best friend. I looked over to him and smiled.

He intertwined his fingers with mine and smiled.

“10…9….8…7…6…” everyone chanted again.

Almost midnight. When everyone around us would have their new year’s kissed with their loved ones then Harry and I would be the awkward ones just standing there laughing.

“3…2…” Everyone started cheering.

“1…” the clock struck midnight and everyone around us turned to kiss their loved ones.

I looked at Harry and he smiled at me awkwardly.

I felt someone grab my other hand that Harry was not holding and I turned to see a drunken Niall.

He smiled at me, and then did something I never thought he would do.

He leaned in and kissed me.

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