Chapter 25 - Final Countdown

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“What box do you want this in?” Harry asked as he held up a picture frame.

“That one.” I pointed to the one on his right.

After the little incident over at his flat a few weeks ago he came over to fix things between us.

He didn’t want to fight before I left and neither did I.

This was way harder than I thought. I thought I would just pack up and leave, tell myself you’d see them when they visit.

But even when I did, it just got more and more hard.

I left in a short ten days.

Ten days is all.

Harry has been over at my flat every day for the past week just helping me pack and ship things out to LA.

The only things I kept were a few changes of clothes and a suitcase to put them in when I went over.

“What about this?” Harry asked holding up the memories book he had given me for Christmas.

“Leave that here with me. I’m taking it on my carry on.” I said.

He smiled.

He was gorgeous.

I had ten days to figure out if I was going to tell him how I felt. Just ten days. Ten days that would fly by like no other.

“Ugh, I’m tired. Can we take a break for a second?” Harry said as he plopped down on my bed.

I threw one of my shirts at him. “Get up you lazy. We’re almost finished.” I said looking around.

And indeed we were. I was leaving all my furniture here and Harry would be coming to take it and give it to who knows what after I left.

I had bought all new furniture online and had it shipped to my home in LA.

“But I’m tireddddd,” Harry whined.

“I don’t care. Get up.” I said.

He was such a piece of work.


“I’m so glad I met you!” Perrie exclaimed as I was out to dinner with her, Danielle and Eleanor just three days before I left. This would be the last night I saw them for who knows how long.

“I know! You guys, I’m going to miss you so much!” I exclaimed trying to keep the tears in.

“I just can’t get over the fact that you’re leaving in three days and this is the last night we’re going to see you for a while!” Eleanor exclaimed.

They were making it even worse by saying that.

I wanted to just break down and cry right in front of them.

“I know!” I pouted.

“We’re going to miss you so much, Dylan!” Danielle said

“I know! I’m going to miss you guys too!” I said once again trying to keep the tears back.

“Shall we ladies?” Perrie looked to Danielle and Eleanor and they both nodded.

“As a going away present, we got you this.” Perrie said handing me a beautifully wrapped box.

I started to open it.

“We know Harry had already given you a memory book,” Eleanor started

“So we’d thought we’d do something similar and spunk it up a bit.” Danielle finished.

I opened the box and there lay another memory book, way more girly than the one Harry had given me and it was memories of me, Danielle, Eleanor, and Perrie.

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