Chapter 9 - Greetings

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I woke up the next morning around 10, realizing I only had three hours to get ready for my day.

I showered quickly, then let my hair air dry while I ate breakfast. After that, I went to my closet and browsed for the most casual attire I could find but not too casual, because I didn’t really care to look all fancy going out to lunch with Luke. But on the other hand, I also wanted to look nice when I met Leah. I decided on black skinny’s with a red peplum top, white leather jacket, and black Mary Jane heels. (

I pulled my hair back in a loose fishtail braid ( and brushed on some mascara.

I checked the time to see it was already 12:30 and I was meeting Luke in a half hour.

I was nervous, but at the same time I was angry for letting myself go. I figured it was too late to back out now so I headed to my car.

 “Dylan?” I turned around to be faced with my ex that I despised so much.

“Hi” I smiled showing no teeth.

“Table for two please,” he showed his gorgeous smile to the host and she brought us to our table.

“Leah will be your server today. She’ll be right with you.” the host smiled and turned to walk away.

“So how have you been?” Luke made small talk.

“I’ve been good, how about you? How’s school?” I wasn’t going to be rude, so of course I made conversation back.

“It’s been going good. My new major is fantastic and I just love it.” He smiled.

“Hi, my name is Leah. I’ll be your server today, what can I get you?” I looked up to see the girl I despised…well not despised…envied I would say.

“Sorry, but Leah? Leah Evans? Harry Styles girlfriend?” I asked through gritted teeth.

“That would be me,” she smiled sweetly. Gosh, was she pretty. “Do I know you?” she asked looking at me trying to figure out who I am.

“I’m Dylan. We’re supposed to be meeting each other tonight at Harry’s flat! This is so weird meeting you like this!” I said genuinely. She actually seemed like a sweet girl.

“Dylan! It’s so great to finally meet you! Harry’s told me so much about you!” she smiled then took our orders.

The rest of the lunch was somewhat awkward because Luke and I didn’t really know what to make conversation about. I still had yet to know why he asked me to go to lunch with him, so I quickly asked before we were leaving.

“Why’d you ask me to do this today? Don’t just say ‘to catch up’ because I know you, Luke. That isn’t why.”

“Look, Dyl. I wanted to apologize for what happened between us. I know, you probably hate me for what I did, but I hope you can forgive me and we can start fresh. Just as friends.”

I contemplated between choices. Of course I could never forgive him. Never in a million years. But I guess being friends couldn’t hurt.

“Friends it is.” I smiled.


“So you’re telling me you two have already met?” Harry looked at me and Leah as we sat down at the dinner table.

We both looked at each other and nodded. I liked her. She was really sweet.

We had been at Harry’s for about two hours now, finally just eating dinner. He insisted on making it for his ‘two favorite girls’ so we didn’t protest. It gave me more time to get to know Leah and Harry was right. She was really nice.

“When Luke and I went out to lunch today, yes. She was our waitress.” I laughed.

Harry shook his head in disbelief then changed the subject.

“So the boys and I rented a beach house in California next week, and I was wondering, would you two lovely ladies like to come?” he smiled more towards Leah than me. I cringed.

Leah looked at me and nodded. “We’d love to!” we both chorused.

“Are Perrie or El coming?” I asked.

“Perrie can’t because of her band and I think Eleanor’s visiting her parents that week, so no. Just us five guys and you two.” He laughed.

Was this going to be fun or what?

hiii! fan, comment, vote! thanks for reading! xxx

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