Chapter 13 - To Infinity and Beyond

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“H-Harry, I don’t-I don’t think tha-that this is a go-good idea.” I barely got out.

I was so nervous. My voice was stuttering and my hands were trembling.

“You’ll be fine, Dyl. It’ll only hurt a little.” He laughed.

“Dear god, why did I let you talk me into this.” I closed my eyes shut and used my right hand to clutch onto the chairs arm as hard as I could.

“Dylan, it’s the size of a bobby pin. Not even. Calm down. I got you.” he grabbed my hand and squeezed it tightly assuring me everything would be okay.

I felt the needle touch the inside of my ring finger on my left hand and there was no turning back.

After Harry dragged me along to wherever we were going, I finally where we were going when we arrived.

A tattoo shop.

He insisted on getting matching tattoos, as cliché as that sounds.

It took me forever to give in, but I finally did. I never had gotten a tattoo until now and I was deathly afraid.

“Dyl, you’re okay.” I heard Harry chuckle.

He was so cute.

He had already gotten his and mine I prayed was almost done.

Pain shot through my finger at first, but now it wasn’t as bad. I let go of my grip with Harry a little, so I was just loosely hanging onto his hand.

About 10 minutes passed and the tattoo artist told me I was finished.

Boy, was I relieved.

I looked down to my finger and saw a little infinity sign tattooed onto it. I grabbed Harry’s right hand and looked at the inside of his ring finger and found the twin on my tattoo placed there.

I looked up at him and smiled.

“And what’s Leah going to say about this?” I raised an eyebrow.

“She won’t care. She knows we’re best friends, silly.” He laughed. “Now it’s my turn to take a picture.” He smiled.

He took out his phone and opened Instagram.

“Smile!” he said.

“Woah, wait! You’re not gonna be in the picture with me?!” I exclaimed.

“And how would that work? Just put on that cute little cheesy smile of yours from earlier and show the tattoo.” He laughed.

“And done.” He said as he put his phone away in his pocket.

My phone buzzed in my pocket and I took it out and saw Harry’s tweet:

@Harry_Styles: tattoostagram. love you to infinity and beyond ;) .x

Along with the tweet was the link to the Instagram photo.

I clicked on the photo and there I was showing off my little tattoo.

I then thought of Leah. And all of the fans. And their reactions to this post.

Love you to infinity and beyond? Good one, Styles. But what would they think of this? Obviously he only meant it friendly, but other people might not take it that way…

Right before I was about to put my phone away I got a text from Louis.

“Ugh!” I sighed.


Louis Tomlinson: ‘love you to infinity and beyond’ HAHAHAHAH. Cute tattoo, btw. Harry couldn’t have gone in a tattoo parlor and not have gotten a tattoo, so I assume you got matching ones? If so, how cute. How couple like. My plan is working out swell. Hope you’re having fun. See ya later! Xx

I rolled my eyes and replied:

Hahaha, you’re so funny. See you later to kick your ass. I hate you bye.

I shoved my phone back in my pocket and looked up to find Harry giving me a strange look.

I smiled and he just shrugged.

“Ready to go?” he asked.

“Yup.” I said popping the ‘p’.

Today was perfect.


“Hey babe!” I heard Leah say directed towards Harry as she came back to the beach house later that night.

I cringed.

I sat on the couch across from Harry and I saw him smile.

“In here!” he yelled.

I heard a purse hit the top of the counter and a jacket being placed around the stool.

“Oh, hi Dyl!” she said as she saw me when she walked in the room.

I smiled.

She walked up to Harry and kissed him on the lips. “I missed you today, beautiful.” I heard Harry say and I took that as my cue to go on my nightly walk.

Niall, Louis, Liam and Zayn still weren’t back from wherever so I finally got to go on my walk alone, no interruptions.

“I’ll be back later!” I called after Harry and Leah, not knowing if they could hear me or not.

We had three days left here in California and I was not ready to leave.

I loved it here. I wish I could stay here forever.

I thought about all the great things I could do here. Don’t get me wrong, I could do great things in London too. But here, I could become a photographer for all these great magazines, I could do photo-shoot’s for celebrities.

I always wanted to go to beauty school. I could do that. I could become a makeup artist for famous people if I really wanted to.

I had three semesters left of college in London. But three semesters was a whole year and a half, and I don’t know if I could wait that long.

Life here in California sounded perfect.

I could get away from everything for a little while. Meet new people. Make new friends. Of course I’d let the boys and Eleanor, Perrie and Danielle come visit me whenever. Whenever as in once every month. Maybe.

I thought about what it would be like to live on the beach as I walked down the shore.

I could take this walks every day. I wouldn’t have a care in the world.

I found a spot to sit down and I sat doing my normal thing, looking out at the ocean.

My mind found its way back to living here in California.

I feel like taking trips just wouldn’t be enough for me.

I thought about it long and hard for at least an hour until I finally came to a conclusion.

While I’m still here, in these next three days, I’d visit campuses and apply to colleges.

I could switch it up a bit for senior year. I could start my life here.

California would finally become my home.

I’d always once dreamed of living here. But then London came along. And I met Harry. And I met all these wonderful people.

But I felt like now would be the right time to follow my dreams. I felt like now, I really had nothing stopping me.

I wrapped my arms around my legs and hugged my knees close to my chest.

I clasped my hands together and intertwined my fingers and noticed the little infinity sign tattooed on my finger.

And then I thought again, maybe there was something stopping me.

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