Chapter 8 - Us

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“Dylan? Are you okay?” the brown eyed boy said as he walked up to me and patted my back.

Wow, Dyl. Great way to run into your ex. Gross and sweaty, choking on your water.

“Yeah, just fine.” I said coughing even more.

My coughing finally died down and I looked up at the person I once loved.

“So how’s it been?!” he was all cheery and smiley.

I rolled my eyes. “Pretty good. I’m gonna go now.” I started walking away but was stopped by Luke grabbing my arm.

“We need to catch up! I’ll text you later!” and that’s exactly what he did.

I read the text from Luke the next day as I was getting ready to go over to Harry’s because he would be landing soon.

Hey, Dyl! What’s up? I was thinking, could we maybe have lunch tomorrow? Text me back if you’re okay with that!

I wasn’t fully over him, no. But I also hated himfor what he did and how he ended things.

I replied with a lunch sounds great! Fed Stella and Boots then drove over to Harry’s.

“Hello?” I said once I walked in the flat. No one answered.

He knew I would be there when he got back, so I figured he wasn’t home yet oh well.

I dropped my purse and jacket on the counter and made my way to the fridge because I was hungry.

My phone vibrated in the pocket of my jeans.

Luke Myrick: Sounds good! Meet me at the café on Wellington St. at 1. See you then!

Harry Styles: Just landed. See you soon .x

I shoved my phone back in my pocket not replying to either of them, instead browsing through the fridge for something to eat.

I settled with an apple and cheese and sat at the counter scrolling through twitter and Instagram.

“Hello?” his voice broke the silence.

I jumped in my seat causing the apple to fall out of my hands onto the floor. I heard the front door close and suitcases being rolled towards the bedroom.

I walked towards the bedroom to find Harry unpacking his stuff.

He looked up at me and smiled before running and attacking me into a hug.

He hit me so hard we both fell to the ground laughing hysterically.

“Harry…you….can….get…off…me…now…i…cant…breathe….your….elbows…on…my…boob..” I said trying to breathe.

He laughed and rolled off of me, putting out a hand to help me up.

“I missed you so much!” he screeched once I was up and yet again I was wrapped in his arms. This time though we didn’t fall to the ground.

“I missed you too!” I laughed and hugged him back.

He pulled away and motioned me towards his suitcase so I could help him unpack.

“So what should we do tonight? Just you and me, buddy. You name it, we’re doing it.” He smiled as he took out a shirt from his suitcase and folded it.

“Well, I honestly really don’t care,” I laughed. “So you can decide what we’re doing.” I took out a pair of his jeans and folded them before putting them away in the drawer.

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