Chapter 22 - Yogurt Dates, Dinner Dates, and A Birthday Surprise

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“Yes, because that’s really what happens.” I laughed as Niall tried to explain to me what happens in The Notebook, even though I already knew.

“It is! How come you don’t believe me!” he pouted.

“Because I’ve seen it before.” I laughed.

“You lied to me! You suck.” He crossed his arms and pouted his lips.

“Oh well, it was funny.” I laughed.

We were at Niall’s house just hanging out. Harry was out and about doing who knows what so I decided to go over to Niall’s.

“Let’s go get some frozen yogurt, I’m hungry.” Niall said.

I agreed and we drove to the frozen yogurt place down the street.

We got our stuff and sat down at a little table to the side of the store.

The place was cute.

“So what’s up with you and Harry?” Niall asked as he shoved a spoonful of yogurt into his mouth.

“What do you mean?” I asked then took a bite of my yogurt.

“Are you two a couple? Or?” he asked.

I practically choked on my yogurt from laughing.

I mean everyone knew I was in love with Harry, but a couple? No.

“Uh, not even close my friend.” I said.

“Oh, okay. Just making sure.” He nodded then took another bite of his yogurt.

“Why?” I asked.

“No reason…” his eyes wandered the place.

“No, tell me.” I insisted.

His face was turning red. He looked so adorable. “It’s nothing.” He waved it off.

“You’re lying…but okay.” I said.

“So what are you doing for your birthday?” he asked quickly changing the subject.

Ahhh, my birthday.

Less than a week from this day. And I was not excited.

I mean, woo hoo, I’m legal to drink in the states, but it wasn’t really anything special.

“I didn’t really have anything planned, why?” I asked.

“Well, if it’s alright with you, can I take you out that night?” he asked.

“Like, on a date…or?” I was suddenly getting nervous and I felt my face become hot.

“I guess.” He laughed.

“Then yes. It’s a date.”


Harry Styles: We’re going to dinner tonight, right? If so, see you soon .x

I replied quickly with a ‘yes,’ then put my homework down and headed to my room to find something to wear.

Since it was March, the weather had gotten a bit nicer, but it was still chilly.

I figured it wasn’t some fancy dinner so I decided on light blue skinny jeans, a gray shirt, and doc martens. (outfit:

I checked my phone and read the text Harry had sent me.

Harry Styles: Pick you up in about twenty minutes, sound good?

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