Chapter 14 - You See L.A.

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“You….See….L…..A…” Niall said slowly as he read the sign to UCLA College.

“UCLA. Yup.” I said as I started walking down the sidewalk towards the building labeled ‘Administration.’

“Thank you for coming with me, by the way.” I turned around and smiled at Niall who was walking at least ten feet behind me scoping out the campus.

“No problem.” He smiled then returned to his scoping.

This was one of my dream colleges. As a little girl, I always wanted to apply here.

I was always told, ‘You’ll never get in. Don’t waste your time.’ And I listened. I really believed what my parents had told me. But I finally got the chance to apply and I wasn’t gonna back out now.

I was so thankful they had a cancellation and let me in on a last minute interview.

“Niall, you can go check out the campus if you’d like. I don’t know how long this will take. I’ll text you when I’m done.” I said to him.

He nodded and mouthed ‘good luck,’ then parted his separate way.

Here it goes…


“So Dylan, your resume says here that you’re from Texas, but moved to London to go to schooling there. Is there any particular reason you decided to go to school all the way over there?” the Dean, Marsha who was interviewing me asked.

Yes, my boyfriend. I said to myself.

I couldn’t say that! She’d think I’m crazy! I can’t lie though!

Act fast, Dyl. Act fast.

“Well, I’ve always loved the thought of going across seas. My parents let me take a trip to London by myself for two weeks during my senior year. I really loved it there, and then I happened to meet a guy. I was planning to go to school in New York, with my best friend. But plans changed after I met this guy, and it turns out that London really was the best choice for me to make. But I think it’s time for a change.” I smiled.

“And this boy doesn’t happen to be Harry Styles, does it?” Marsha laughed.

So this lady did have a sense of humor. She wasn’t all strict and stern.

“I’m guessing you know?” I smiled.

“Oh yes. My two daughters are obsessed with One Direction. I hear new news about them every day.” She smiled and shook her head.

I laughed. “Anyways, back to the reason we’re here. What would going to UCLA mean to you?”

“Even though I always loved the thought of going across seas, when I was a little girl it was always my dream to come here. My parents had always told me that I would never get in to this school, though. So I kind of gave up on this school and didn’t even reply. Coming back here now makes me realize that it’d be everything for me to go here. Going here would mean that I could make my parents proud. To show them that I could get into this school. Getting into this school would be an honor. It’d be a dream come true to me.” My hands were fidgeting and I tried to sit as still as possible.

I was so nervous about this interview.

Marsha smiled. “And lastly, what would you bring to this school?”

“I would bring my pride and joy and long love for this school. I would bring the hope to people that think they might be failing. I would bring hope to them that they will make it somewhere someday. I would bring to this school pride in other people. I would let people believe in themselves. Coming to this school would be an honor. I would bring the honor along with me to this school.” I smiled.

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