Chapter 12 - Give Me Love

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Did I really still have feelings for Harry?

No doubt about it.

All this time, I was sitting here wondering why I envied Leah. Why I was so jealous of her. Why I couldn’t figure out why. It took today and Niall for me to realize it myself. It was so bizarre.

I was in love with my best friend. My best friend who had once been my boyfriend.

I couldn’t tell him, that’s for sure. There was no way I would ever let him know.

It would ruin our friendship.

I sat on the shore, digging my feet in the sand, my thoughts running a million miles per hour. I was so confused.

I had left the beach house about an hour ago, and I had no intentions on going back any time soon.

I needed to clear my thoughts.

I stared out at the waves crashing into shore.

My mind went everywhere. From Harry. To Leah and Harry. To my day with Niall. To Louis and his plan. To me being oblivious to my feelings for Harry. To everyone thinking Harry and I had something going on between us. To mine and Leah’s “girl time.” And finally, to the question Leah had asked me at lunch.

“Ex? What happened?” I never told anyone what happened between me and Luke besides Harry. He was the only person who knew.


I woke up the next morning in my own bed, my head pounding.

The last I remembered, I had fallen asleep on the floor.

The light shined through the window and it pierced my head.

I walked into the bathroom to find my eyes all puffy from the crying that had taken place last night.

I washed my faced then walked to the kitchen to find my best friend cooking me breakfast.

“Good morning, beautiful. How you feeling?” he asked

“A little hurt…” I sighed.

It all hit me like a ton of bricks. I remember everything from the previous night.

I had called Harry to come over because Luke and I had just broken up.

I remembering falling asleep as I cried into his chest and he carried me to my bed and I asked him to stay the night.

“You wanna talk about it? You never really told me what happened.” He came around and sat on the stool next to mine.

I nodded. Better sooner than later.

I told him everything.

“So what I’m gathering from this is that he cheated on you?” Harry asked as tears started pouring from my eyes. “Dyl, don’t cry. He isn’t worth your tears.” His warm arms wrapped around me as I cried into his chest.

Not only had he cheated on me, he had gotten a girl pregnant. And he wasn’t even the one to tell me.


I quickly wiped the tears from my eyes as I heard someone speak. “You okay?”

I turned around to see Harry standing there staring at me.

I nodded and he came and sat down next to me.

“You sure you’re okay? You seem a little down…”

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