Chapter 3 - Change

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“Do you like this? I don’t know if I like it. Dylan, it doesn’t look good on me. I can’t get this.” I watched Harry pace back and forth in a button up he had just tried on.

I swear, sometimes he magically turned into a girl.

“Harry, it looks fine. Get it.” I laughed at him as he stood in front of the mirror observing himself.

We were shopping like we had planned, and it was almost 6pm already.

After we watched the sunrise, we went to have breakfast and had been shopping ever since.

But there was only one thing that lingered through my mind the entire day: that song.

The only reason I had thought he was directing towards me was because of one person.

That person was Luke.


“Harry!” I yelled into the phone as tears poured out of my eyes.

“Dylan? What’s wrong? Why are you crying?” he asked

I sat against the door of my bedroom sobbing my eyes out.

“Ca-can you come over?” I asked through sobs.

“Yes, I’ll be right there.” And the other end went dead.

I pulled my knees up to my chest and placed my head on my knees. I wrapped my arms around my legs and just cried until I heard a knock on the door.

“Dylan?” I heard Harry say quietly as he knocked on the door.

I let him in and sat back down on the floor where I was not even 5 seconds ago.

He came and sat down next to me.

“What’s wrong Dyl?” he asked as he put his arm around my shoulders to comfort me.

“Luke. He broke up with me” I said as I clung onto Harry’s shirt, crying into his chest.

“It’s okay Dyl. I’m here for you. Everything will get better” he whispered and kissed the top of my head.


“Yoo hoo? Hello? Dylan?” Harry said as he snapped me back into reality.

He was standing there in a different shirt than the one from five minutes ago.

“Oh, yeah sorry.” I said to him, still trying to get back into the shopping mode.

“What’s going through your mind right now?” he asked

“Nothing, but I like that shirt. It’s nice” I smiled.

But I was lying. Not about the shirt, because it was nice. But about the nothingness running through my mind.

All I could think about was the lyrics of the song being directed towards me.

Why though? Why? We’re best friends. Nothing more.

I was still hung over Luke, wasn’t I?

Yes. I mentally answered myself.

I shook the thought away from my mind and didn’t think about it the rest of the night.


“Thanks, I had fun today.” I smiled towards Harry, my hand on the door handle, about to make my way towards my flat.

“Me too, thanks for convincing me to buy all of these clothes!” he said. And that’s what I had done.

He constantly complained about them not looking good, but they did. And I eventually convinced him to get every single one he tried on.

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