Chapter 5 - Colors

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“The three primary colors are-”

Blah blah blah.

Didn’t we learn about the primary colors in like the third grade?

Don’t get me wrong, I love this class, but there was no need to learn about colors yet again.

It had been two days since I had seen Harry because he couldn’t go out for lunch today because he had a photoshoot.

He seemed to be all I could think about.

I rid my thoughts and turned my attention back to this boring class on colors.


Class was two hours long today, and I was relieved to walk off campus.

It seemed like it took 4 years today.

I made my way towards my car and pulled out my phone before driving off.

Two new messages

Harry: Don’t make any plans for tomorrow. Be ready by 9am. Casual attire is fine. See you then. x

Logan: Miss you! Hope all is well! I’m coming to visit in about two weeks! Be ready for me!

I smiled at Logan’s text. We talked practically every day but I haven’t seen him in at least 10 months.

Harry’s text on the other hand…what did this boy have planned


If casual what he wants, then casual is what he gets.

Today my outfit consisted of black jeans, a cream sweater, tan leather jacket, black oxfords,  and a blue beanie.

I brushed on some mascara and checked the time.


As if on cue, I heard Harry knock on my door.

“Wow, do I just love to match you” he said as I opened the door.

Sure enough, we were matching.

We both had black jeans on, black shoes, tan jacket, and a black beanie.

I laughed. “I guess it’s a best friend thing…where are we going?” I asked as we walked towards his car.

“It’s a surprise silly. That’s why I didn’t tell you yesterday.”

“Ugh, I hate surprises,” I complained as we got in the car.

Knowing that he wouldn’t tell me, I kept quiet the rest of the drive.

The drive was long.

We were at least an hour into it and I finally broke the silence and asked again.

“Seriously, where are we going?” I asked as I looked out the window to the middle of nowhere.

“It’s a surprise. Just two more hours” he looked over to me and smiled.

“TWO HOURS?!” I practically choked on air.

He laughed and instead of talking, he turned on the radio.

Taylor Swift’s song ‘22’ started playing and out of the corner of my eye, I could see Harry slightly cringe.

After him and I had broken up, her and him had went out. Not for long though.

But I liked this song, so I made him stay on this station.

“I don’t know about you,” I pointed to Harry as I sang the lyrics. “But I’m feeling twenty-twoooooo, everything will be alright if you keep me next to youuuuuu! You don’t know about me, but I bet you want toooooo!” I belted out the lyrics as Harry rolled his eyes and laughed.

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