Chapter 23 - Birthday Bliss

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“I swear, if you make me drive anywhere out of London again after this, I will not do it. You’ll be waiting wherever, forever. Because I am not leaving this city again.” I said to Harry as we sat at The Hummingbird Bakery drinking tea and eating dessert.

Even though I hadn’t eaten breakfast or lunch yet, dessert was a nice change out of my day.

“Whatever you say, Dylan…whatever you say.” He shrugged his shoulders.

This better not mean you’re making me drive out of the city again, I thought.

We finished our tea and dessert and it was time for Harry to go wherever, and time for me to find him wherever.

He handed me a note before he left saying that I couldn’t read it until he left the bakery.

I waited until he left then frantically opened it and saw it labeled ’10.’


This one’s just to keep you in the bakery a while longer. The next note is on your dashboard in your car.


I rolled my eyes and laughed.

I rolled my eyes because he just used this to stall me, but I laughed because he signed every note with H. It was quite funny.

I went to my car and found the eleventh note laying on the dashboard.


I lied. This one is for the same reason as note #10. The next note is waiting on the door of the café we first met at.


I drove about two miles to get there and he was right. The note was stuck to the door.


If you’d really like to find me now, think hard. What do I like to do best? Call Louis if you need help figuring this one out.


What does he like to do best? Well that was probably the easiest one ever.


I drove to the recording studio that the boys always recorded at and walked in.

There was many different studios, so I checked every one of them looking for Harry.

He was nowhere in sight.

I went to the last room and found yet another cardboard cutout of him and a note stuck to it.


I figured you’d come here first. I wasn’t going to let you figure it out that easily. Think harder. Remember if you need help, call Louis.


This one was actually really hard the more that I thought about it. Of course he liked to sing more than anything. But supposedly there was something he liked to do more than sing…

Then it hit me.

I got in my car and drove to Funky Buddha.

I walked in and the place was empty, besides for yet another cardboard cutout of him.


I figured you’d come here next. But now I need you to go back to the studio because I lied. Singing is what I like to do best.


That bastard.

I checked the time on my phone and it was now 2pm.

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