Chapter 4 - Stumbling Styles

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“And that’s our show! Thank you everyone for coming out!” the boys took one last bow on stage and headed backstage.

Perrie and I made our way towards backstage as well to greet the boys.

“Hey babe” Perrie said as she walked up to Zayn.

“Good job tonight, pal!” I said as I walked up to Harry giving him a friendly hug.

He laughed returning that hug, “thanks Dyl,” he said.

I looked over to the rest of the boys told them good job, and then followed Harry back to his dressing room.

“So where to tonight?” he asked as we both arrived in his dressing room.

He stripped out of his concert clothes and into casual ones and I couldn’t help but stare at his bare chest.

His abs. The v-lines.

“Uh,” I started but couldn’t seem to find the words.

“It’s okay, Dyl. Gawk away.” He laughed as he pulled on a different pair of black skinny jeans.

I rolled my eyes and continued what I was saying, finally finding the words. “We could go out to dinner, or have a movie night? Order Chinese, have a movie night? Order pizza, have a movie night?” I suggested.

“So I’m guessing the top priority on your list is to have a movie night…we can do that and order pizza?” he smiled as he walked over to grab his tennis shoes.

“Sounds like a plan stan”


“You’re seriously going to make me watch this? Harry, I swear we watch this every time we hang out!” I exclaimed as he popped in the movie ‘Love Actually.’

I grabbed a slice of pizza and leaned back against the couch cushion.

“Shhhhh, it’s starting.” He said childishly and the whole time, his eyes were glued to the tv, didn’t move one bit.

We were in his flat, the same old one he’s had for the past two years.

“Harry, are you….crying?” I asked as I heard him sniffle.

“What! No!” he said as he quickly brought his hands up to his face to wipe away tears.

“You’re lying! You were so just crying!” I exclaimed laughing uncontrollably.

I HAD to tweet this.

I grabbed my phone from the pocket of my sweatshirt and started tweeting.

‘watching Love Actually with @harry_styles for the millionth time and he’s crying from the ending of the film. I too am crying but only because I’m laughing at him so hard’

I pressed tweet and my phone instantly blew up with tons of mentions.

Harry must’ve seen the tweet because he was gleaming furiously at his phone.

“DYLAN!” he yelled

I started laughing even harder. “This is NOT funny!” he looked at me and glared, not one expression of happiness or laughter coming to.

“Paybacks gonna be a reaaaaaal bitch, Dylan. A reaaal bitch.” He said and smirked.

He set his phone on the coffee table next to the couch and got up and left the room.

“Where are you going? Harry!” I called after him but he didn’t even bother to turn around.

I didn’t know if he was mad at me or what, but I needed to find out. Without knowing, I was already following the way that he had gone.

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