Chapter 30 - Yes, No. Maybe So.

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“Harry-” I started.

I had no clue what to say.

“Dylan-” he said.

Marry him?

I had to act fast. I had no clue how to answer it.

I wanted to marry him, of course.

But now wasn’t the right time.

“I-I um…I erm…I think we should wait…” I said.

“So is that a yes?” a smile crept upon his face.

I guess I practically did say yes…

“Yes.” I smiled.

“I promise you, I’ll wait as long as you want.” He said and wrapped his arms around my waist.

“So we’re getting married….” I said.

“And I can call you my finance…” his grin grew even wider.

“I guess so.” I smiled.

He leaned in a pecked my lips.

“So I guess this calls for engagement ring shopping…I didn’t really have this planned out that well….” his face turned red.

I laughed. “I guess it does.”

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