Chapter 27 - Waiting for Forever

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Harry’s POV

“Hi, when I need a ticket for the next flight to LA. It needs to be soon. Like today.” I rushed to the desk where they were selling tickets.

I needed to get out to Dylan.

“I’m sorry, sir, but we’ve stopped flying out planes for the day. The storm is getting too bad,” she said.

No, no, no, no, no. This could not be happening.

“But you don’t understand. The girl I love was on a plane that just took off no more than an hour ago. Please. I need to go to LA.” I pleaded.

“Sorry, sir, but looks like the next flight to LA isn’t for another four days, if then. We have to wait until the storms pass.” She said.

I slammed my fists on the desk which startled the worker.

I stomped off towards my car, my eyes again filling with tears.

I was angry. So Angry.


Dylan’s POV

“Excuse me, miss?” I heard someone whisper to me.

My eyes fluttered open to find a flight attendant standing over me.

I nodded. “We’re about to land soon, can you please turn off your cell phone and buckle your seat belt? Thank you.” I nodded once again then she finally walked away.

I did as she told me to and sat and relaxed myself.

I wasn’t really a fan of flying, so I really hated landings the most.

I put my memories book that Harry had given me away in my bag and closed my eyes shut.

If we were about to land, that meant I had slept for sixteen hours straight? The crying must’ve worn me out.

I thought about Harry and what he was doing right now.

He was probably sitting at home with the boys acting if nothing had changed.

But part of me hoped that he wasn’t…


Louis Tomlinson: Hope you landed safely, miss you already! Xx

I read the text from Louis as I hailed down a taxi to take me to my new home.

Thank you, just hailing down a taxi. Little cloudy here on my first day in my new town. Miss you as well!

“Hi, can you please drive to this address?” I asked the taxi driver handing him a slip with my address on it.

He nodded and we were there in no longer than 20 minutes.

I took a step out of the taxi, grabbed my luggage, tipped the man then just stood there.

Stood there admiring my new home.

I had a lot of unpacking to do, though.

And a lot of arranging, and moving furniture to do. All by myself.

I walked to the front of the house and set down my luggage and grabbed out my key.

Well, here it goes.

Here’s to my new life.

I opened the door and to my surprise all of the furniture was set up, and all of my stuff was unpacked and in its place.

I walked around a little more and everything was set up.

Just the way I had wanted it.

Just the way I had told Harry how I wanted it set up…

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