Chapter 26 - Departure

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A/N before you start reading there’s a part of this chapter where you can play a song if you’d like to add more emotion! During the song, I’ll be switching back from Harry to Dylan’s POV a lot, and I will tell you every time when it switches. I will also tell you when to start the song! Xx

I got up the next morning, my eyes all puffy from crying.

I looked out the door and it was pouring rain, thundering every once and a while.

Today was the day.

This was it.

I threw my hair up in a ponytail and threw on a pair of leggings and a sweatshirt.

I packed the last of my clothes into my suitcase, and I packed everything I was bringing as a carry-on into a bag.

I didn’t put on any make up because I knew all this morning I would be crying.

Harry was picking me up in 15 minutes to go to the airport.

I was leaving Stella and Boots with him because they would be too much to move because they would have to get shots and everything to go on the plane.

I said my goodbyes to them last night before Harry had left.

It was almost the worse saying goodbye to them than it was to the boys.

Harry had texted me that he was here, and he came up to grab my suitcases.

The ride to the airport was silent. I’m sure he really didn’t have anything to say, nor did I.

“You got your ticket?” he asked once he parked at the airport and we were walking in.

“I believe so.” I said.

I had to wait an hour for the plane so Harry waited with me.

Again, it was silent.

I thought back to last night to when I said good bye to the boys, and how hard that was.

I thought back to two days ago to when I said good bye to the girls and how hard that was.

I thought about the t-shirts the boys had given me, how silly they were. The book and the picture frame the girls had given me. The necklace Harry gave me. His favorite necklace.

I looked over to him to see him looking out the window at the planes taking off and landing.

He looked so sad.

He looked like he had been up all night crying his eyes out.

I took my phone out and texted Louis.

Please make sure Harry’s okay when I’m gone. He looks like he has been up all night crying. Please take care of him.

In almost an instant he replied.

Louis Tomlinson: Oh trust me, he was. I promise you I’ll make sure he gets through this. I’ll miss you, Dylan. I love you. Take care. X

Before I could reply the flight attendant came on over the speakers.

“Flight 467 heading to LAX will be departing in about thirty minutes. People with tickets in rows 1-11, please board the plane now.

I looked down at my ticket.

Row 10.

I could already feel the tears coming.

“This is me.” I choked out.

Harry looked at me and smiled the best he could.

We both stood up and embraced each other in a hug.

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