Chapter 6 - Silent Truth

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The ride home was awkward and silent besides the quiet sound coming from the radio.

Harry dropped me back off at my place, only to return at 7 to go back to his place to hang out with him and the boys.

It was 530 by the time I had gotten home so I quickly changed out of my cupcake and frosting covered clothes and slipped into the shower to get the frosting out of my hair.

I walked into my closet to find sweatpants and a sweatshirt to wear over to Harry’s.

I tied my hair up in a bun and made my way to the kitchen to eat something before Harry arrived back here.

On my way. I read the text he had sent me as I was eating an apple.

I threw the apple away, quickly brushed my teeth and I was soon greeted by my best friend in his car.

“Oh good, I’m not the only one who decided to just wear sweats” he said as he examined my lazy attire.

I laughed and again the ride was awkward and silent the rest of the way.

“Want anything?” I asked the boys as I walked towards Harry’s kitchen to grab a water.

They all shook their heads and I left the room, leaving them to start a new conversation.

“Do not bet on that! That’s stupid!” I heard Harry yell at the boys as I made my way back towards the living room.

“Come on lads, throw your money in.” Louis said. I opened my bottle of water and starting drinking from it.

“Two months top until Harry gets laid by Dylan.” I started choking on my water causing five pairs of eyes to turn my way.

“Two……months….tops….until…what?” I finally got out as I coughed uncontrollably.



“What are you talking about?”

“You heard nothing.” The four boys stated as Harry walked up to me and started patting my back.

I turned to him seeing him give an evil glare to each one of the boys.

“Alrighty then! Who’s up for a game of truth or dare?” Louis quickly changed the subject.

I rolled my eyes and joined them on the couch.

“Liam, truth or dare?” Louis asked

“Hmmm, truth.”

“If you could snog anyone, who would it be?”

“Hmmm, Miranda Kerr. She’s pretty hot.” The boys all nodded in agreement with what Liam had said.

“Ummmm,” Liam started looking around the room. “Dylan, truth or dare?”

“Uh, dare.” I stated.

“I dare you to… to make out with Niall.” Well that took me by surprise.

I nodded and walked up to Niall and sat on his lap, my legs straddled around his waist.

I leaned in and started kissing him.

“Okay, I think that’s enough now.” Harry said after like two seconds.

I pulled back and turned my head towards Harry, furrowing my eyebrows.

His eyes wandered the room, trying not to make contact with me.

Well that was weird.

“Someone’s a little jealous….” Louis’ eyes wandered the room also, then landed on Harry.

I got off Niall and walked back to where I was sitting.

Well this is awkward.

“Alright, Dylan. Your turn.” Zayn said.

“Alright…Harry,” I lifted an eyebrow, “truth or dare?” I said slowly putting emphasis after every word.

“Errrm, truth.” He still refused to look me in the eye.

I knew exactly what I was going to ask him.

“Were you gonna kiss me when you started leaning in when we were at the bakery?” but that was not it. I had something totally different in mind, but that slipped.

Oh my god.

“What!” Louis looked shocked.

I turned to see the other boys and their mouths were hung open.

“What?” Harry asked.

“Uh- um. Well, would ya look at the time!” I pointed to my wrist as if I had a watch on it. “Gotta go! See you guys later!”

Well that was awkward.


I woke up before dawn because I felt so awkward about what had happened the night before that it kept me awake.

I took my time getting ready for lunch and school.

It was Thursday, which meant Harry and I would go to lunch together as always.

I was just going to act like nothing had happened because I didn’t want to make things even more awkward.

I pulled on my light to dark faded blue skirt, lace white tank blouse, slipped on my tan cardigan without buttoning it, and my brown combat boots.

I took a step back in the mirror and was happy with today’s outfit.

I wrapped a scarf with patterned skulls around my neck, grabbed a bracelet and was ready to do my hair and makeup. (outfit:

I walked into the bathroom and checked the time on my phone.


Harry had texted me telling him to meet him at some restaurant on Main St. at 11.

I curled my hair lazily, so it looked natural, brushed on some mascara and nude and brown colored eye shadow and called it a day.

I fed Stella and Boots on my way out and made my way to the restaurant Harry had texted me to meet him at.


“You’re kidding me.” I said as I sat across the table from Harry at the restaurant.

“No, I wish I was. I mean, I love going on tour and all, but it sucks that I have to leave you.” he said then took a bite of his pasta.

Him and the boys were set to go on tour for three months, and were to arrive home right before Christmas.

As much as I want him to stay, I know he has to go.

“Ugh,” I complained. “What am I going to do without my best friend for three months?! This is gonna suck! No Tuesday and Thursday lunch?! What am I going to do without you?!” I laughed a little.

“You know, we could have virtual lunch dates. We Skype each other as were eating!” he laughed.

“That’d be weird. And it wouldn’t be the same!” I pouted my lips.

“I know.” He sighed.

“When do you leave?” I asked as I took a sip of my water.

“Yeah, about that…we leave tomorrow night.”

hiii! please tell me if there are any errors! xxx

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