Chapter 21 - House Hunting

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“Dylan, look at this one. This one’s nice.” Harry said as we walked down the streets of LA looking for houses for sale.

My original plan had been to go with Eleanor, Danielle and Perrie, but they had other things come up and they couldn’t go.

It was mid-march, two months before I left to move and I needed to find a place to live ASAP.

I decided I was sick of living in a flat so I wanted to upgrade to a cute little house.

It was just me and Harry who had gone on the trip, and we had already been here three days looking for a house, but I just couldn’t seem to find the right one. We had two more days until we headed back to London and I felt like I wasn’t going to find one in time.

“I want a house on the beach though,” I whined.

“It’s close enough. Just go check it out.” He said.

I refused.

I wanted nothing more than a house on the beach.

“Fine, whatever.” He said.

We walked farther down and we finally hit the houses that were located on the beach.

We found one for sale not far from the school and we went to go check it out.

My phone buzzed just before I went into the house.

Niall Horan: miss you! find a place yet? Xx

I still had no idea what was going on between us, but I was fine not knowing. We hung out practically every day I wasn’t with Harry.

I replied quick then walked into the house.

It. Was. Gorgeous.

My jaw dropped.

It was everything that I wanted in a house.

It was the perfect house on the beach, besides that it was way too big for just one person to move into.

I wanted it so badly though. I fell completely in love with it.

“This is the one.” I said walking around.

I walked upstairs and went into the master bed room.

The view was gorgeous.

“Harry, this is the one.” I repeated.

“Dylan, it’s massive.” He said.

“I know. But this is the first house that I fell completely in love with when I walked in. This is the one.” I said.

He hesitated for a bit.

“Alright, let’s call the realtor.” He finally said.       


We explored the house for a while longer and the realtor finally came.

“Are you sure you want to sign?” he asked before handing me the papers and pen.

I nodded.

I signed where I was supposed to, handed the papers back to the man and smiled.

“You can move in in about a month.” He said.

He handed me the keys to the house that would be totally mine in a month.

“Thank you so much.” I said.

He nodded and walked out the door.

I turned to Harry and screamed with happiness before running up and jumping on him to hug him.

“This is really happening!” I exclaimed as I was still hugging him.

I was so happy.


Harry’s POV

“This is really happening!” Dylan exclaimed as her arms were wrapped around me tightly.

I felt my heart break slowly.

This was really happening.

She was moving away from me.

My best friend, my love, my life. She was leaving me in two short months.

I pulled away from our embrace and smiled the best I could.

“I’m so happy for you,” I lied. I was sad. Angry. I didn’t want her to leave me. But I couldn’t stop her.

“Thank you so much for coming with me to find a house. Promise me you’ll visit as much as you can.” She said still smiling.

“I promise, Dyl.” I said.

“Good, now can we please go get something to eat? I’m starving.” She complained.

I laughed. Typical Dylan….

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