Tia Angela Clarke: Part 2

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"Choo- Chooo!!!" my baby sister yelled, her little feet made tiny, thudding sounds as she rummaged through the house, dang this kid has a voice on her, aah, "Chugga-Chugga –Chugga- Chugga- Choo!Choo!!" I jumped infront of the little imaginary train and hoisted her quickly up into my arms, using the last ounces of my energy after running after her all day.

"Whooa! Looks like the train has reached its FINAL destination! Time for the little train to take a nap!" I said with as much enthusiasm as I could muster, "What a great train!"

"Yay! Great Train! Great Train!!" she shouted in agreement, unaware I just doomed her to sleep. Although at 8:30 in the night most three year olds would be asleep already. Tonight was her birthday and someone gave her a train- and man did she freak out over trains.

The culprit- my dad walked up the corridor as I headed down towards her room, while she rest on my shoulder,

"Thank You," he mouthed silently, as we walked in opposite directions, I glared at him- this train thing was entirely his fault! He could have given her a ball but noo...

Sherry was angelic when she was happily sleeping however, and I was glad she enjoyed her birthday despite everything, even as I rested her on her pillow.

"You noisy, little munchkin," I murmured kissing her check.

"Mommy..." she mumbled, turning in her bed to hug onto her large stuff toy, our mother had given her. I smiled, well thank God...she at least still remembers our mom, it has been a while. I gently brushed some of her hair from her face, as I recalled briefly the parent Sherry would never know, but quickly shook the thought out of my head. 

"Mommy will be back soon, Sherry," I whispered over her, almost praying, it was lonely without her, and I wished she would be able to return soon, I honestly did. 

"Titi..." was her response, reminding me of the presence of my sister, who was at least still with me. Even if she always called me that silly nickname. I smiled slightly.

"I love you too, Sherry," Sherry released a soft sigh, before turning over in her sleep, and now I was pretty sure she was now completely out cold.

I walked out of the room, carefully closing the door behind me and went straight to my bedroom door. I felt the presence of someone behind me and turned to see them.

"Dad," I said. Mike grinned down at me slightly, and I could see that look of joy he always seem to get in his eyes when I called him that. He masked it quickly with a exaggerated sigh.

"Darn...you didn't seem surprised at all- seems like I'll have to work on my ninja skills," he joked, I smiled tiredly up at him, and he continued, "Is Sherry asleep?"

"Like a rock." I said, recalling her sleeping face, and then I recalled my other thoughts, to which I gave a smile in hopes of hiding my less than joyful thoughts.

"That's great," Mike started, then his smile seemed to tighten, " I visited your mother today... she misses you too," he said, bouncing slowly from one foot to the next. I hadn't gone to visit my mom in her...state since she went in, she specific asked me not to, neither Sherry or I were allowed to go, so I hadn't seen her for almost two years. "I told her you're taking great care of us," Mike continued, " and you know what, she gave me that same fake smile you just gave me," I blinked, as my surprise trickled onto my face, and he chuckled.

"I can read you both like a book, you are just like your mother," he said embracing me, his face went solemn and he bent his head to kiss me on my forehead. "You've been through a lot too for your age, angel...stop trying to be so strong. Let me handle things" he finished, giving me an even sterner look as he pulled me away to look me in my eyes.

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