Bad Timing: Part 32

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"Like I said, that's another bit of business," I countered, "You don't need to think about it." His eyes blacken to a pit again, at the memory of what he would have counted as disobedience, but there was no way I could get out of that one.

"Just ensure you follow this business well," he stated harshly. I nod slightly. We finished the meal without speaking another word to each other, then drove to an area just outside of the town. A group of men ambushed us, wearing armoured clothes, and carrying various guns were stationed there. A smile crossed my face.

"They plan to fight us?" I asked incredulously, as they aimed the guns towards us. It was a good few hundred there by the crevice. Is this the entire group of humans against the E-elites?

"So it would appear—kill them all," I didn't need another word, I was gone from his side in seconds and slicing up the first few men who dared to be frontline, I only barely noticed that the blokes were by my sides as Esther stayed calmly by the car.

Dang there really is huge number of them, I realized, cutting down another. A man threw his weight forward in order to attack me quickly and I smoothly cut him in half, as another one aimed at me. Out of no-where a familiar scent hit me, followed by one I was yearning to smell for the past two weeks, I froze. A man was coming down for my head and I barely slipped away from him, looking around wildly for where the smell was coming from. There is no way, I thought profusely, looking around wildly only to see what I refused to believe was true. Tia and Stephanie riding in on a motorbike as it glide through the air from on the other side of the crevice and land a few feet away from me. I stared dumbly at it for a moment, before another warrior attacked me catching me off guard. What the bloody hell are they doing here!? I thought angrily throwing the man off to run over to them.


"What the hell are you doing here!?" I shouted down at them, as they got off the bike calmly. I looked from Steph to Tia completely forgetting the battle behind me, until I felt a dark foreboding presence behind me, oh crap Esther?!

I watched them in silence as Tia pulled herself off of the bike, then Steph, pulling off their helmets as if they had all the time in the world. Barely controlling my urge to scream again, when did my life become so much hell? I thought briefly as Tia's eyes fixated on my.

"Jayden, we need to talk," I gave her the most incredulous look I could muster.

"It's kind of a bad time," I growled.

"Don't worry the guns wont attack us so we've til Esther comes," Steph was saying. I flinched, say what? "Tia asked them not to—long story! In any case." I looked across at her weakly, what the bloody hell, is going on here? I turned around quickly in time to catch a fist from one of the blokes sent by Esther. I grimaced; I guess he got tired of waiting. From where I was it was beyond clear he was angry, I sighed again, is there even a chance of amending his anger? A next glance at him made the answer clear—best fighter or not...Esther wasn't going to ignore this little intrusion from Steph and Tia so easily.

Tia Pov

I stared at Jayden for a bit, yeah he's definitely not happy to see us, I deemed. I breathed, I guess that's expected it's a bloody war. I looked passed him for a bit, only a few people were aiming at us, the others had their hands full with the other guy with Jayden, the second guy that attacked us was now laying unconscious at Jayden's feet . Despite that the humans were falling like flies. I bit my lip, this war is dreadful, beyond them I could sense the presence of a very annoyed, very strong elite—this time it wasn't Jayden—it was Esther. I barely managed to catch my breath, gosh his energy is so strong, and we're not even exchanging—what is this man—super elite?

"Tia take Steph—and get out of here," he ordered, between clenched teeth; his eyes were now on Esther instead of me. I bit my lip, I didn't want to go, I realized, as strong as he was I didn't want to leave Jayden's side. "Look I've a job to finish and you two are in the way."

"Jayden, I'm not leaving!" Steph said adamantly now focused on Esther also. He hesitated; I supposed he wasn't expecting that. I could hear a growl erupt in him.

"You guys are giving me so much bloody trouble," he grinded the words out, as his muscles started tensing, and he readied himself, I allowed my muscles to tense also as Steph did the same.

"That's what little sisters do," Steph chirped. He growled again, as his eyes flashed towards me.

"I wonder who told you that," he stated accusingly. I stuck my tongue out, despite I knew he was mad, I noticed a small smile form on his lips, it quickly vanished when Esther started coming closer, "I cannot believe you, got me into this bloody mess," he snarled in this throat.

"I don't want you fighting anymore," Steph stated passionately.

"And I want to help her," I stated, mimicking her enthusiasm, he looked at me wearily.

"Steph, you know—"he started in a hard tone.

"I know, and I don't want you to kill for me anymore," Jayden glanced down at her silently.

"It doesn't matter what you want—it has to be done. I'm going to protect you," he growled.

"How sweet, Jayden," Esther said, speaking over the sounds of war around us, "Are you declaring your love for your sister?"

"If I didn't love my sister, I wouldn't be here, now would I?" I looked across at him, his eyes were red but not fiercely so, was he being submissive again, the thought annoyed me, and I could feel my energy well up inside of me. Why is he kissing up to that, jerk? What the heck has him so  darn subordinate with him of all people!? Esther took another step closer, and I could feel the pressure within their exchange. A thought popped into my mind...I know he won't die so why not?

'Guns, can you aim at Esther and shoot at him,' I asked.

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