Will You or Won't You: Part 10

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A deafening silence filled the air, as not even Steph dared to argue with him on his reasons. Most likely she had tried to before, but by now she had given up on questioning him about it, and I was hard pressed to object to him while his eyes looked so sinister and deadly. That was one look; I would not want to see on his wolf. If I had thought the wolf was scary before that would literally make someone die on the spot.

"Then...," my voice was low but it still gained both of the elites next to me attention. I couldn't convince myself to breathe when Jayden looked at me. Eyes strong, desolate, and eerie, wiped the life out of my lungs with a mere glance. I was truly scared, more so than when he had a knife to my throat, the torment, hate, disgust in his eyes wracked every inch of my body till I couldn't even contemplate breathing. Breathe, please Breathe!

I gasped a huge gulp of air, and sprang to my feet, resolved not to allow his aura to intimidate me. With a heave of content I continued, "What do you want from me!?"

"To take care of my sister," he said calmly, no hint of anger in his expression any more. I blinked, and my eyes flashed cross to Steph, whose eyes seemed hazed over in a daze. I released jagged uncontrolled breaths as I realized that would have been me, and the air in my chest finally started to pump. It was like being allowed to breathe for the first time in decades, the sweet taste of air only to be hurt by the sound of Jayden's request. Jayden stood up also from his seat and moved around the table to be within an inch of me.

"I'm sorry I had to do that, I needed my sister to be ignorant about this. And it helps she can't deal with our exchanges," I released another breath, and turned my body more to him, only to realize just how close he was to me. I was practically pressed against his hard chest, and I could feel small electrifying tingles entering my body at the feeling; I contemplated stepping back,but with the sofa behind me... I was technically cornered.

His eyes had returned to the relaxed---well more relax shade of green, which helped produce somewhat of a calming effect. However his heated breath on the surface of my face, did not, and I could feel a crimson blush rise to my face. He's too close, I fell back involuntarily into the chair with a soft thud and within seconds he was over me, with his warmth on my face again. And his body positioned over mine, encasing me with his muscular arms, as he held his weight over me, in both an intimidating and yet extremely sexy way.

"So will you? Or won't you?" I could feel my heart beat increase; this man was being incredibly demanding I contorted my face slightly to focus. That is until a sentence could form in my mind.

"How can I!?" I managed to put force in my voice, I was more than dimly aware that he had me cornered like a lamb in the depths of his couch. There was no way I could escape him now, his huge arms were practically caging me, I wasn't certain if Jayden planned it, but if he did it was thorough. There was no way for me to get away. Despite the sense of threat I felt, I couldn't ignore the warmth emanating from his body, comforting me slightly, as it warmed my still chilly legs, nor the feeling of closeness, that I hadn't felt in what felt like forever. 

"The reason you're still alive is because you're naturally strong," he practically whispered in my ear, I could feel a tingle go down my spine as he massaged my lope with his breath, although it was a threatening statement I couldn't help but release sigh of pleasure as he continued, "If you trained you'd be practically unbeatable, and I need someone to take care of my sister during some... upcoming events. When... I won't be present." He seemed to choose his last words carefully and my mind racked through what he was saying.

"Events...like what...?" I asked almost scared to find out. He muffled a laugh in my ear.

"You don't want to know...,"well that part was true, but it never stopped me from asking before.

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