Monster: Part 50

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"This is madness!" I swallowed as my eyes continued to rest on their fight. Jayden clearly now had the upper hand, and Esther was definitely getting tired. The elites guarded against them and tried to attack Jayden themselves as Esther flew backward again, only to be pushed off and burned. With one movement he took out almost 5 elites, singlehandedly and then stalked forward to Esther again. Needless to say from then, no-one else dared to move to interfere with their fight, as Jayden continued to slam Esther against the cave walls, with full elite strength—amazingly not killing him yet.

"Are we going to be okay?" Gillan asked, kneeling by my side as Jayden continued to let loose on anyone in his path, "I heard—powerful elites can go berserk...but when that happens they may attack indiscriminately anyone who comes in contact with them—can Jayden be stopped?" I licked my lips, as the word settled in.

"I've...never seen him like this..." I responded dumbfounded, as Jayden smashed Esther's head in a rock, again.

"Then—isn't there a large chance, he'll attack US next!?" Gillan spouted jumping up with his gun, "We should all attack him while he's busy with Esther!" I grit my teeth.

" You will not kill my brother!" I yelled glaring at him, he may have lost it, but I'll attack him first before I let him kill Jayden in front of me. Gillan cringed slightly, then lowered his gun in defeat, exhaling slightly.

"I'm not saying to kill him—I'm just saying...he's practically wiping out our troops as well," he pointed out, "Isn't there a way to calm him?" my eyes dropped down to Tia, and tears well up in them again.

"I don't know...I don't think I can do anything," I announced. Gillan bit his lip.

"That's not good enough!" he retorts, "That kind of soft answer isn't going to stop your brother from killing us all!" I sniffled.

"So what do you want me to do—the only person who has a chance of calming him is—is..." I tried, I still couldn't say the words.

"If you can't say it that means you haven't accept it as true," Gillan pointed out, crouching down to my side again, "Isn't your ability stronger around the fountain—won't it help!?"

"I tried—but even with the help of the fountain—I can't RAISE the dead!" I retorted, do you THINK I want her to die, I fumed

"Just DARN WELL try again!!" he yelled, "Put her in the water, and then use your power!"

"But it makes no logical sense...the water is AS STRONG AS ME," I cry back in return.

"So—even if doesn't make sense, only a coward wouldn't try at all," Gillan responded, Steph bit her lip as she recalled what Tia said what seemed like eons ago, 'Sometimes you don't need a reason—just do it!'

"Okay..." she concluded, "Help me lift her into the fountain—if there is ANY hope...we need her completely covered by the water." Gillan pulled her hands up, and put his hand under her legs so and support her weight, and then placed her into the tub like fountain. I exhaled softly, to calm myself,, I prayed softly, resting my hands on her wound as the water bubbled slightly around her.

Esther's POV

I felt my body slam into another rock, then fall to the ground, I moved my hands under me in an effort to push myself up . Darn, I can barely move, I realized as I raised myself slowly off of the ground. Jayden stalked closer to me, I never knew this man was so strong . I never thought I'd be this frantic to win, I panted heavily. Alright, this is it, I reasoned, calling all of the remaining energy I had forward, as I made large black holes circle him.

"This is it, Jayden, the end," again he didn't respond, he didn't even look up as 5 worm holes swirled around him, he didn't even blink when they sucked him forward, and 2 others shot at him. His eyes never left me, and I felt fear for the first time in my life, when he destroyed all of the holes by encasing himself in fire again, and making a tornado from the flames. I swallowed, as he started walking toward me again, but the dryness in the air prevented me from being able to breath, as my legs gave out. Before I could fall, I could feel hands wrapping themselves around my throat burning into my skin, and raising me back up, until I wasn't touching the ground anymore.

I pulled my hands up slowly to wrap around his hand in an effort to stop him from suffocating me. I could see cold dark pits in his eyes, was this what others saw right before I killed them, I thought, coughing blood.

"Jayden—I'm sorry," Jayden growled in response, somehow it seemed darker than any growl he's ever given anyone, I tried again, "You're strong—I was'd be great as my right hand! What do you say we work together again—you've already lost the girl, what's the point of killing me—you've nothing left to lose." At my words, he started to slowly change back to his human form, the only thing that didn't change was the darkness of his eyes as he continued to stare at me unwavering.

" I would love to say this is just business," he stated coldly, releasing his blade, from his side and moving it to my chest, taping slightly on it, "But you just made this personal." With that he stabbed me in the heart and turned the blade, finally slicing downward through me as he pulled his blade out and allowed me to fall to the ground. I coughed blood softly, as my hit the floor, a small smile crossed my lips, looks like I created a monster.

Third person's POV

The sound of Esther's body hitting the floor resounded throughout the cave, and the only sound that could be heard was Jayden breathing heavily. No one else dared to make a sound. Most fights had stopped in the midst of Jayden assault on Esther, but now, there wasn't an eye that wasn't on him, as he stood frozen glaring at Esther's lifeless body. As if to make sure, he called more flames and scorched its remains. Then he turned to face the glare to the group, and started walking in their direction. Every face paled, humans and elites alike as his blackened eyes stared mercilessly at them all. Everyone's feelings were written clearly on their face, what is he going to do now?

"What will he do?" Gillan whispered to Steph, daring not to look away from him, Steph hadn't looked back she was just calling as much energy to her as possible in a hope to save Tia. If possible his eyes went darker and then he attacked the group, human and elite alike, "Crap! He's definitely lost it!" Steph bit her lip, she saw that coming, as tears ran down her face, Jayden had really turned into a monster. When there was no reason left to fight...there he was killing...indiscriminately.

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