Killing Is Bad: Part 43

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Tia Pov

A huge, bright light flashed through the camp, it was almost like a bomb went off, causing everyone to fall unceremoniously to the ground. I jumped down from the tree, and moved a few men who were on top of him, and pulled him out, resting him on my lap.

" Jayden? Are you okay?" I called, nudging him gently, he moved slightly in response, and then his eyes opened to reveal his green eyes.

"Geez...What happened?"

"Geez, Jayden!" I yelled, "Are you completely useless if you can't kill anyone!?" he sat up gingerly, rubbing his head.

"You're the one who gave me such a darn impossible order," he grumbled angrily, then looked up at me again. His face fell to sadness, and he reached out his hand to touch my cheek, "...hey, don't cry," he whispered. I sniffled in response, whipping my tears with my hand.

"You idiot! I didn't want you to get yourself killed either, they didn't deserve to be killed and neither did you!" I cried, he stared into my eyes silently for a bit and then wiped away a stray tear.

"Sorry..." he said, as he closed the distance and kissed me lightly on my lips, "I won't lose again." I snuffed up the remainder of my tears.

"Good," at that he smiled and looked around quizzically.

" killed them?" he asked, raising his eye brow. I looked around at the motionless bodies also, and bit my lip.

" I hope not..." I replied cautiously. He chuckled, "It's definitely not funny!" At this he laughed

" You're right. It's a solemn moment—you killed over 100 people in a matter of seconds," he stated, I punched his arm.

"Killing is bad!" I argued, trying to show him the seriousness of the situation.

"I wonder if you'll be wanted for mass murder now," I could feel my face flush at that comment. I couldn't have right!? Even if at that moment I really wanted to save him, I wouldn't kill, right? He sighed.

"Don't worry, they're not dead," he said, comfortingly patting my head, as I looked up to him.

"How do you know that?!" I demanded, the sound of a door creaking open in the distance followed my cry.

"He's right..." a shaky male's voice said, our heads turned instantly to see an old man standing at the door of a hut, beside him was Gillan who helped hold him up.

"Who are you?" I asked, positioning myself between Jayden, the old man and Gillan. Jayden laughed and then stood up behind me, helping me up also.

"Although more importantly, why didn't the wave affect you?" Jayden asked, the man looked at Jayden and then me, and smiled.

"I mean you no harm, Miss. Randevous," he said, bowing slightly. I blinked in surprise.

"How do you know my name?" I asked instantly. Seriously, how did every one know I was a Randevous all of a sudden!?

"Your ability—it's just like your father's Carmen Randezvous—he could also control electricity," the man explained, I blinked again.

"That was electricity?" I repeated the words.

Jayden POV

"Yes, very much so..." he said, "You sent out an electric shock which paralysed them." Tia bit her lip and I could see her face drain of all colour as she fell back slightly against my chest, and I held her slightly around her waist so she wouldn't fall.

"I am so sorry..." she apologized dumbly, I couldn't help but laugh. It was the same thing that happened to me when we first met.

"We're also in the wrong, we did attack you," the man said, "My name is Lory King by the way." She shook her head slightly to regain her composer.

"Pleasure to meet you..." she replied. Gillan's eyes looked to me accusingly, and then at our closeness, even as the old man continued to smile warmly up at her.

"You keep dubious friends," Gillan said, masking his distaste slightly, having clearly recognized who I was. I grimaced and held her tighter, determined to not let her go, as she shrugged slightly.

"So what do you want?" she asked shrugging, ignoring his comment, and facing the old man as he continued to smile across at her.

"I simply want to tell you about your father..." he said, "It is such an Honour to finally meet you." She looked uncomfortable for a bit, as she shrugged.

"Also—if it's not too much trouble—perhaps you could unparalyse...our troops," Gillan said sarcastically irritation clearly on his face, "If the elder chooses to trust him with you fine...but in this war he is not our only enemy in the area...being unable to move is a huge disadvantage for us." She blinked as recollection flooded her eyes.

"'s just..." she continued doubtfully as she glanced from him to me then the elder, "I don't exactly know how to do that..." she said emphasizing her words. I choked on a laugh.

"Seriously?" he growled clearly annoyed. She nodded. I coughed softly to choke my laughter again.

"For the hundredth time this situation is not funny, Jayden!" she pouted, pushing against me slightly. I burst out laughing.

"I guess, it looks like if you've yet to graduate from my classes," I said finally, pulling her closer to my chest, loving how she felt against me, "What a troublesome pupil."


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