Chapter 26 - Going Out

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"Anyway, why did you decide to let Stephanie go to school?" I asked, folding my arms determinedly as I tried to change the subject before I lost all the self dignity, I had left, not like it was that much anyway, but I'm going to hold on to it with everything I had.

"Shouldn't you be happy?" he responded.

"I am...I'm just curious—" I said choosing my words. He shrugged, then tilted his head to the left slightly.

"I—just wanted to," he breathed tiredly.

"That's a lie, after you gave me so much hell for a party!?" I refuted.

"Once again, shouldn't you be happy? Stop complaining and be grateful like Steph was," his voice was a bit agitated but still generally calm as he spoke, I wasn't sure what, but something was bothering him...maybe even besides the school thing. I froze.

"You're right, thank you, Jayden," I replied, a smile sliding happily across my face, allowing my body to relax, hoping it'd relax him also. He returned it with a slight smile of his own.

"I'm glad," he voiced barely audibly, running his hand through his hair and then turning to leave.

"Hey! Jayden!" I called, stopping him before he could reach the door; he tilted his head to see me, allowing his hair to slide slightly in his face. I bit my lip, as my heart throbbed and I felt a sudden nervousness ring through me.

" you want to celebrate...?" I hesitated as Jayden gave me a dubious look, and I bit my lip again to fight away my fear, for some reason I just couldn't help myself but ask—it was weird but I somehow really wanted to not just for Steph but something told me he needed it and there was a big part of me that wanted to also, "Tonight—going to the theatre with Steph and Sherry, to celebrate...her being able to go to school." I froze half expecting him to say 'no' as a mixed expression crossed his face followed by a light smile.

"How about Sunday night, today's going to be kind of busy for me," I nodded enthusiastically as he turned back around, opening the door and letting himself out. I smiled widely, oh my gosh, he said yes! This is going to be great—I hope, I added ignoring the nagging feeling in my stomach saying all the things that could go wrong.


I took another piece of popcorn out and threw it in my mouth, as Sherry looked at me in amazement.

"Titi! That's amazin'!!" I barely but heard a slight laugh come from Jayden at the thought. I smiled too, after becoming an elite something like this being amazing was way too ordinary.

"Sherry, look what I can do!" Steph called as she threw up multiple pieces of popcorn and then moved her head skillfully and quickly so they all were caught in her mouth.

"O' my gos' that's amazin'!!" she repeated, her eyes perplexed and staring with complete awe cross at her. Even I could feel Jayden slight glare at Steph, probably telling her not to use her elite powers to show off. I sighed slightly as Steph gave a repentant smile, when Sherry asked her to do it again. My eyes fell back cross to Jayden, he's definitely never going to relax around humans, I deemed, as I watched him study Steph and Sherry for a moment then looked to gaze around at the area. I placed my hand lightly on his chest to gain his attention.

'You don't have to be so over-cautious, it's Sherry and she's three.' I exchanged, I was finally getting the hang of exchanging and throughout the movie I'd found it exceptionally fun to exchange with him, he didn't seem to mind, since we ended up watching Bratz anyway. He sighed, looking across at me warily.

' You don't know how to be cautious enough' he returned, 'she'd probably do that in front of anyone if I don't stop her.' I pulled out another popcorn and popped it into my mouth.

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