Chapter 24 - Punishment

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Tia PoV

He breathed lightly on my neck, sending tingles all over me, as he announced I'd be punished. I didn't even have it in me to object by his point; my body was putty in his hands as he continued to cause me to experience insane pleasures. I could feel my entire body burning with the need for him to touch me, and caress me to point I could almost attack him myself. He moved his hands to place it on my waist again, holding me in place and I flushed, sighing softly as I felt little kisses being steadily applied to my neck, sucking on it at certain points, unable to think I did the only thing that would regain my sanity, as my body shivered under his touch. I brought in another topic.

"Why...aren't you going for Stephanie?" I stammered almost inaudible as I started to cave into the pleasure of the kiss. I could feel my breath quicken as he tickled my neck slightly with his lips, then his tongue, and I almost whimpered with need. I had to fight not to let my hands hold on to him to bring him closer to me. If anything that was the main punishment—wanting him but knowing I definitely shouldn't, I groaned inwardly, not even bothering to scold myself. I could feel myself go weak under him, wanting to be even more subdued.

"If I let you go, won't you just try to stop me again?" he asked, still placing kisses on the side of my neck, I blushed bursting out of my thoughts, and nodding slightly, only half aware he couldn't see me. He released a low chuckle. "You know I can't see you." he confirmed, I blushed again as he planted another small kiss on my neck. "But I figured that much ,so I thought it'd be more fun to play around with you, else I'd be at it all day with you anyway." I grimaced slightly as I recalled all this was just him playing around, but even that thought couldn't get rid of the continuous blush he gained from touching me so much. I swallowed, allowing myself to regain some composure as he stepped back slightly to look at me. And a slight satisfied smile played on his lips.

"You could have just knocked me out..." I mumbled half ashamed trying to divert my eyes, and balling my fists so the pinch from my nail would calm me down again. He had moved almost a foot away and his hands still held mine in place, but I could now see his warm, green eyes staring into mine, he wasn't smiling any more but he definitely wasn't angry. A strange expression held his face, and again I fought the urge to touch him.

"In a bit," he replied gently, studying me closely. I bit my lip, he doing this? If he really wanted Steph he obviously could have beaten me. Even knocked me out like I said, yet he's here staring at me. He's not making any sense, I could feel my brow furrow slightly, as I wriggled a bit in his grasp; although this time I wasn't too anxious to be apart from him. I just don't want to let him to  get Steph yet, I thought profusely defending my illogical behaviour.

"Jayden..."I asked, cautiously, looking down at where he held my wrist securely, "why is it you're so protective against humans?" I finished, raising my head to hold his gaze. For the first time I noticed an emotion of hurt flash across his face before it was quickly covered by another unreadable yet gentle face.

"Humans... don't like elites like us—they're dangerous and evil," he managed, choosing his words carefully. I studied his eyes as he spoke, they were almost sad, something... happened...that gave him those feelings about humans, I realized, I bit my lip as I allowed his words to soak in before I spoke. Unconsciously I squeezed one of the hands he held mine with, folding mine securely over his, trying to transmit some kind of confidence vibe to him.

"All, humans are not like that—" I started firmly, allowing myself to transfer out of my elite state, "Some will love you, give you a chance, be there for you, and Steph needs to be able to decide to choose who she wants to be around her." His expression looked incredulous for a moment and then he chuckled slightly, pulling me slightly as his body shook.

"I knew you would have said something like that," he laughed in between words, "You are so pre-dic-table." He finished, moving closer to my face with each syllable, stopping only an inch from me. I could feel my stomach tighten as he watched my facial expression no doubt turn rosy red once again at his closeness. "I'll think about it though," he breathed massaging my lips with his breath and staring straight into my eyes as if looking for an answer. His eyes darted quickly to the clock and added quickly, "Tomorrow." I could feel my lips go dry completely forgetting what we were talking about before; when he pulled away finally releasing my hands, instantly I missed the closeness. "For tonight—you did a pretty good job in your elite state. Now be a good girl and go to sleep," he murmured right before I felt a slight pinch in my neck and my vision become blurry. I could feel my body getting heavier under me as it fell almost in slow motion to the ground only to be caught by strong, comfortable arms, and then everything went black.


Jayden POV

The wind blew harshly tonight, as I walked through the alleyways following my sister's scent. Sure enough less than twenty (20) yards off there was a large grouping of children, balloons and one huge disfigured dog jumping tent. I sighed, as I looked across the road to cross it, I can't believe I took my time walking to this event, I scolded myself inaudibly, I really do obey just about Tia's very whim. I glanced at my clock again; it was 7:45, I wonder if I could take fifteen minutes to walk over to the group. I cringed, what the hell is wrong with me!?! I fumed opening the gate letting myself in, I am so fricking weak when it comes to her! I could have well just let Steph come home on her own, I murmured, though I guess I feel better under the impression I actually had my way—although I was obviously coerced somewhere in there . I glanced around quickly and spotted my sister talking, and laughing with girls her own age and I felt a pang of guilt. 

Yup, definitely—and completely coerced. Stephanie's eyes flung cross to me slightly, and I know I saw fear, as she met my gaze. I smiled inwardly, yup and it was definitely Tia's idea—that dang, rebellious pupil. Even from across the yard, I could sense her obvious anxiety, and released a sigh. Stephanie walked quickly across over to reach me, holding her head down completely avoiding eye contact. She reached me within seconds, and a tense silence seemed to hang in the air even among all the noise of the other children.

" I'm sorry..." she began, still not looking up to see my face, "I really wanted to go andd—" she didn't even mention, Tia, I smiled to myself, must be afraid I'd do something to her—as if I could, I added dumbly, getting use to the numbing pain of letting Tia have her way.


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