The Birth of a Killer: Part 38

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Jayden POV

'It's not important....' I deemed, as I turned my head away. I really doubt I could lie to her face, but I just couldn't bring myself to let her know—how freaking vulnerable I felt, and if I watched her long enough—I know I'd want to tell her and hope she could make me feel like I wasn't living in hell anymore. But I couldn't deal with the chance that she'd just run away from me—after it all. I wonder if this makes me even more of a wuss, I thought glumly.

I could feel her move slightly beside me, then rest on my stomach again, 'No comment?' I asked slightly surprised, I must be a masochist—asking for a comment when I shouldn't want one.

"I already know you've got your problems—all I can do is wait until you let me solve them with you," she stated matter-of-factly, snuggling her head in my fur again as she made herself comfortable.

'And...if...I let you...' I stammered, feeling like a fool. Her head raised slightly, and I instantly felt like being a coward and not telling her anything. I could feel her move her hand from petting me to gently kissed my chest.

" I'll stand by you," she said firmly.

'You say that without even knowing anything...'

'Then tell me everything—so I can say it again!' she confirmed, with that Tia confidence that lacked common sense. I hesitated briefly, would she still feel the same way, although I barely grasped why she felt that way to begin with—but maybe—maybe I can hope a little.

'Fine...' I started, feeling myself hesitate again as I remembered for the first time in years what happened four years ago and the years before which led up to it, ' My family...lived with humans before, although I was trained to use my elite abilities, and was naturally gifted— my parents were staying out of the war more or less, and the E-elites weren't paying them any real attention, there are quite a few elites who live like that...peacefully—so back then, I didn't think I had a reason to train too much....' My voice drifted off slightly, as more self hate started to consume me. It was after all because of that, that things went the way they did.

Tia Pov

I could feel his muscles tense as his voice trailed off, leading him to a memory he obviously disliked. I stroked his fur gently, willing him to calm down again as I brushed my lips across his stomach. I knew he was hurting, and every part of me wanted to somehow make it right, and heal him from his pain.

'Please Jayden, that anger won't solve anything ' I mouthed barely audible—yet I knew he heard me, because he noticeably relaxed in a few moments. After a short breath he continued...

' sister was born, because of her ability to heal—which was a great asset in the war, the elites wanted her. It is always useful to have someone who can heal anything, on your side—but obviously my parents didn't want that for her, so in order to keep her safe, our parents tried to hide us among some human friends whom they trusted,'  his words became more venomous again at trusted, and my stomach lurched at what was probably going to follow. 'Anyway—WE trusted them...and lived there for years, till Steph was six—but by then the war had gained momentum but the elites still wanted my sister, and threatened the humans to give her up.' I bit my lip, as he continued to speak—anger steaming from his voice, as he recalled it to me, ' Unfortunately, we only discovered this the night a hoard of humans attacked us with weapons raised at us and my six year old sister, trying to kill us—because we ELITES were a menace, and we truly deserved to all die,' I cringed, as he spat the words out during the exchange, making his anger seem even more pronounced.

'People we knew for years—considered friends, even family... had us cornered as they stuck guns in our faces calling us monsters and pests,' he continued, 'Obviously we tried to defend ourselves, and I had my first change into a wolf causing them to go even more berserk—despite our efforts since back then I was too poorly trained, to be of any use, I was only a burden and not really wanting to kill them anyway—we were at a huge disadvantage, eventually they shot Steph with a poisoned gun—and my mother. But because of Steph's ability she didn't die—my mother did in a few minutes though.' He hesitated briefly, as if collecting his thoughts before continuing, ' At that point my father realised we were fighting a losing battle—and ordered me to take Steph and flee.' I couldn't say anything as I imagined the horrible scene of death that was his past unfolded before my eyes, and waited silently for him to continue.

'I didn't want to...' he said, in his eyes I could see grief and despair as the memory flooded out—as if the thought itself was a knife cutting into him. I could practically feel tears prickling my eyes, as I watched him in pain. 'But even I knew—there was no way, dad could protect us both, with a sick Stephanie and an injured me...and we'd all be able to escape. So my father sacrificed himself to make a path so I could run and escape —the only darn thing I could do. And when we got out—I ran as far as I could from there,' he hesitated again, 'Then without food or a place to stay I hid in some forsaken gutter only to realise my sister wasn't healing at all in fact the poisoning was getting worse.' His voice seemed as though it was breaking slightly as he continued, ' Then Esther found us—told me about the drug that infected his group has a medicine which could prolong her life at least—if I killed the humans for him. I was skeptical at first, after all they were the ones who originally wanted my sister, but he convinced me by giving me the medicine free—then I worked for the rest,'  he moved slightly beneath me, 'He trained me himself, since he said I had potential, and for me, I figured...although the e-elites were originally my enemy and I hated them, and Esther was by no definition a saint—I hated the humans more—so the enemy of my enemy became my friend, and as such I murdered countless men, women and children...even as they begged in vain for their lives,' He said drily, ' because their blood only begins to quench the hate for the men that destroyed everything I had.' A tear trickled down my cheek, as I recognized the anger for humans to have been really hurt—from being betrayed. And that perhaps, if things had gone differently he wouldn't have chosen the life he lived... 'So that's why I don't let Steph go around humans—and why I still have no sympathy for that useless, scum of a human race,' he clarified, with a rough tone, still not looking at me, I bit my lip, he's lying—the truth is the one who he really thinks is a useless, monster—is himself.

Jayden POV

Silence hung in the cave for a few moments, and I dared not break it. I didn't have anything left in me to speak, I figured I should just welcome the hallowness, as she stayed motionless at my side, either hating me or pitying me, either way I felt like crap. This is why I should have stayed business Jayden, I pondered drily.

"Jayden, get up," she ordered. I froze, is this her way of saying she doesn't want to be near me...

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