Untitled Part 47

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Jayden POV

A small smile played on Esther's lips as he looked cross at me.

"You know, I've always liked you," he said, using his other hand to stroke Steph's face, her face cringing at his touch. "Even back when you were pitifully weak," he continued, and then looked down at Steph, "We were so much alike—the only difference was this little twirp, you held on to." I saw Steph swallow in fear at the glare and frown Esther was giving her.

"What's your point, Esther?" I asked distracting him, as he looked back up at me. He smiled again.

"Just, that I liked you—even the twirp didn't matter as much since you were willing to ignore her for me, and you still despised humans, like me," his face darkened, "Why did you have to go and ruin it and get attached to a useless girl like that," he scowled, glaring towards Tia now, "We could have continued to have been one big happy family." He finished. Stephanie's eyes clearly said, she thought he was crazy.

"I'm flattered," I stated sarcastically.

"Don't think I'm inhuman, Jayden," Esther said smiling again, "I really did think of you as a son of sorts—after all I taught you everything you know about being a killer. It pains me to see I have to take out my own work of art." I cringed at the memory, if Steph and Tia thought I was hard on them they had no idea what I went through when I was learning. I learnt early Esther was a psychopath, and I made every effort not to cross him—because I knew personally....that he was strong, and not just raw power, he had probably hundreds of ways to kill a person. The only reason he had bodyguards was because he thought killing humans himself wasn't worth his time. It had nothing to do with his strength at all. However to elites...he wouldn't hesitate to kill them, since he thought any elite who didn't agree with him was worth killing cruelly. Subsequently, most elites didn't cross him, hence he was the leader.

"Well, I guess you'll finally get to see what your creation can really do," I stated pouncing forward, and punching at him, he blocked me with one hand, all the while still holding on to Stephanie.

"I'm disappointed, I thought the wench said you'd beat me?" he taunted, I glared at him and brought my foot up to slam it into his face. Instantly he fell back letting Stephanie go, as he fell to the ground. She turned back to look at him as his shoulders began to shake with laughter.

"How interesting, so it upsets you when I insult her now does it?" he stated smiling up at me, his eyes hadn't turned elite yet—he was clearly not serious right now.

'Stephanie, stay out of our way,' I ordered inwardly, my eyes not leaving his as a glimmer of a smile flashed across his face. She turned and bolted off to the side. My eyes didn't dare leave him, but I noticed from the corner of my eye I could see her go to Tia, okay she should be safe, with Tia.

"You think she's safe with that girl?" Esther mused, "What if I attacked them both together—then you'd lose everything you care about all at once."

"You will not touch either of them," I declared charging him again, his eyes turned black as he dodged. Seems he was getting serious, I rationalised, as he made black holes manifest into the air and knives flew out of them towards me. I grit my teeth as I jumped to dodge them. I exhaled to calm myself.

"Since you plan on using your ability," I stated, feeling the energy flow through me, "I guess I'll fight fire with fire." I made a fire ball in my hand and heaved it at him. He created a wormhole in front of it, extinquishing my flame then turned to smiled lightly.

"I haven't seen you use that in a while," he commented.

"I reserve it for special fights," I replied.

"I'm flattered."

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