Some Kind of Monster: Part 51

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"Tia...please," Steph cried, tears falling fresh, as she tried to pump life into Tia,"... save Jayden!" Gillan swallowed loudly beside her.

"Will we really be safe?" he asked. Steph didn't answer, still praying silently beside him, the water wasn't helping, her skin looked unscratched now but her heart was still not beating. She didn't know the answer, as she turned up to Gillan doubtful, fear clearly on her face. Was there all to calm Jayden.

"JAYDEN!" she tried, he didn't look fazed, still knocking down the warriors, "JAYDEN NEWTON, LISTEN TO ME THIS INSTANT!!" Not even a blink, her face turned to tears, "Jayden, you're scaring me, please stop!"

Jayden's eyes then turned to the fountain, there was the slightest glint of recognition in his eyes, but it was gone almost as fast as it came, and Gillan shivered beside Steph. Most of the men were too injured to stand up anymore.

"Stephanie! He's looking at us!" fear engulfed her as she looked at her brother, she had never been afraid of him, but in that moment—he looked more threatening than Esther ever had. "We should run."

"You can't out run, Jayden," she stated unconsciously—she knew at human's speed it would be impossible, and she was sure she probably wouldn't have any better luck either. Noticing they weren't planning to move, he slowly walked over to them.
"I'm gonna pee myself," Gillan muttered, as Jay got closer.

"Don't worry, I won't laugh at you..." she responded.

"Thanks..." he reasoned, "Don't worry-I'll protect you." He said, moving in front of Steph. If possible Jayden looked even more fierce, she bit her lip...why must someone protect her from her own brother, she thought, especially someone who he'd generally just attack without a thought. Maybe I can reach him, she decided again.

'Jayden—'she exchanged, there was nothing in his mind at all she could sense it, not one coherent thought, as he formed a ball of fire. "Jayden" she whispered as he threw it towards them and the fountain, before she could think Gillan had picked her up and pulled her away from the flames, as it hit the stone breaking the fine ornament that held the water and Tia.

"Tia!" she shouted as the stones collapsed in onto her body and the water ran out. Jayden's eyes were back on them as he prepared more balls of fire to aim at them. Jayden my brother...was really completely gone, she thought, as he threw the flames at them, there was no way Gillan could dodge that many, and she had no will nor hope in a fight with her brother. So this was it—the end of the tragic tale of her family. Gillan tucked her body under his shield her with his own body.

The balls hit and caused the area to burst into flames, as everything ignited, but Steph and Gillan weren't burning. Steph blinked.

"What happened?" she asked, forcing herself to breath amidst the smoke, "Gillan?"

"He's fine," I replied, she turned to me with a look of so much shock and horror, "What?"

"YOU'RE ALIVE!" she yelled, encasing her arms around me, Gillan opened his eyes and looked across also.

"Amazing!" he stammered, "It actually worked." 

"What worked?" I asked dubiously, at the huge grinning faces looking up at me, "What the hell happened?" The last thing I remembered was getting hit by something, then I woke up and a hoard of rocks was falling down on me. 

"JAYDEN!" Steph said urgently, pointing behind me, "He's lost it." I turned back to see Jayden standing completely nude, The light barrier I had created unconsciously to protect Steph and Gillan began to dissipate around us, revealing Jayden fully. His body sculpted like a greek god, only thing was that his eyes were the darkest red I had ever seen them, as he made more flames encircle behind him. He threw the flames at his sister? I questioned. "He's not listening to us," she continued tears in her eyes, "I don't know but when you died—he turned into some kind of monster." I swallowed, and then looked back again, my eyes locking onto to his. There were a few unconscious men at his feet but some were regaining consciousness, this was definitely not Jayden, the Jayden I know wouldn't attack mercilessly and NOT kill his opponent. He was sloppy, and his blades' target wasn't clear. I stood up, continuing to hold his gaze as he held mine, and I took a step towards him.

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