In Your Arms: Part 40

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Even with clothes on I was still cold, I was warmer—naked in his arms than fully clothed I thought pulling down my shirt fully and turning back to Jayden who was now lying down, staring across at me not even trying to hide the fact he was watching me change. He smirked at me cockily, 'I saw you take off the clothes I should at least see you get back in them,' he exchanged with a cocky smirk and a look of lust in his eyes. I blushed slightly, as I laid down beside him. 'I didn't have to call you this time,' he teased.

"Hmm, should I leave now, since you didn't call for me?" I asked, trying to sound nonchalant as I pushed myself off the ground, to move away, in a second he had grabbed my waist and was pulling me back down to him.

"Don't be stupid—you're not allowed to leave yet," he growled possessively, pulling me impossibly closer to him. I sighed, slightly as my arms draped up to his neck, and latched on.

"Don't worry, I've no intention to," I kissed his chest as his muscles began to relax again around me, and he kissed my neck softly as I drifted off into one of the best sleeps I ever had.

Jayden POV

The sunlight began to pour into the cave, and I could feel the warmth of the sun hitting my back. Tia moved slightly as if being prodded by the rays. I turned my head slightly to face Tia who was still resting comfortably on my side. She looked so peaceful, so beautiful, I mused, kissing her lightly on the forehead. Gosh, she was soo beautiful last night—and she really seemed as if she wouldn't have mind continuing, I thought pushing some hair out of her face. But if we had right hand pulled her closer to me, as she lay comfortable on my other hand. I wouldn't be able to let her go—she says she wouldn't leave me...but I just can't understand why...I told her everything—she must know I won't simply not hate humans like she'd like, she must know I would kill them again, yet why? Why is she still here?

An ache in my side reminded me again of another problem I had. I looked down at my gash, it had healed an incredible amount—I thought examining it, it was no-where near completely healed, but it was at a point that I should heal in a matter of days—and perhaps fighting Esther wasn't going to be completely impossible. The bastard was sadistic, I recalled, I worked beside him for years and there was no way he was going to let me get through this without losing something I cared about—the only reason Steph is probably still alive is because she'll probably be of use to him. The second she isn't, he'll kill my sister, I grit my teeth, as my mind reeled back to what Esther said about having to choose between them. Even if...I don't understand Tia...and I don't know when she'll come to her senses and leave me, I cannot leave her, I admitted tensing up.

"Jayden..." I heard her whisper, reminding me she was by my side, and I felt my body relax, as I gently brushed her face with my hand, making her sigh softly. 'Don't be an idiot and save me...SAVE TITI!!' I practically heard my sister's voice again as she shouted. That was the first time she seriously called me an idiot—and that's the only time I would agree with her. Not that my sister shouldn't be saved, but the one that can heal anything –it's better to have them on your side, I thought recalling what my parents had said about Steph, but Steph couldn't heal everything... was that why she said not to save her. But can Tia really save me from my darkness? my hatred? my loneliness?

Tia hummed slightly almost in response, and I held on to her tighter, running my hands up her body remembering her feel. I really hoped so, I thought—she was already doing amazing things to me, and I couldn't help hoping she wouldn't stop.


I watched her silently for a few more minutes, her clothes were tattered showing a lot of her skin, but it seemed her wounds were more so healed also, I thought briefly. Is it normal to heal this fast? She turned again, making herself even more comfortable, maybe I should wake her up now, I decided, as my mind dared to wander again. I pulled her closer to my chest, yearning to feel her against me again, as I laced my arm around her like a child as I sat up, resting her on my lap, enjoying her scent and then finally reluctantly allowing my mouth to rest close to her ear.

"Good Morning, Tia," I smiled, breathing lightly, she sighed softly in response. I moved her slightly on my chest, and gently nibbled at her ear, this time I earned a soft whimper, and I couldn't help but smile more. "You ready to get up, Titi?" I managed, she stretched slightly.

"Morning," she replied groggily, a blush tinting her cheeks, but she nestled her head more in my chest as she said it.


"Morning.." I replied, nestling my head in his chest, feeling perfectly comfortable. He laughed softly.

"Time to get up, Titi," he murmured in my ear. I turned my head up to face him—as our situation dawned on me again.

"Alright..." I paused, "Are you okay...?"I asked blushing, recalling I was a bit rough last night. He laughed again, and I felt a shiver go down my spine at the sound of it.

"I'm a big boy, Tia," he said, "Besides—my wound has healed considerably." I blinked dubiously.

"Really? Let me see it," I commanded, not even waiting for a reply before I pushed myself off of him a bit to look at his stomach. I didn't feel uncomfortable at all around him—it was like his body belonged to me so it didn't matter.

"See," he smiled cockily, laying back down so I could see it clearly.

"That's amazing—it's almost as if Steph was healing you herself," I noted, tracing my fingers along his side gently. He frowned.

" is healing a little too fast actually," he mumbled looking a bit distracted. I bit my lip as my eyes dragged over him. The wound wasn't the only thing healing, all of his cuts and bruises from before were all practically gone—give him a bath and a shirt you'd never guess he had fallen off a cliff only yesterday. Now that my survey was done my eyes turned to take a more appreciative view of his hard, muscled body that lay down beside me, as I allowed my hands to continue to drift over his body memorising his abline as well as his muscles with them. I wonder what it would be like running my tongue down these lines—like he did mine yesterday, I pondered tracing his lower pelvis line with my eyes. "You done checking me out yet?" he said huskily, pulling me out of my lustful thoughts. I blushed slightly pushing myself further off of him only to be grabbed by my waist and pulled down. "Too bad—cause I'm not done with you yet," he deemed, crashing his lips to mine, I opened my mouth willingly in response to him, as we kissed each other passionately for a few minutes.

Suddenly, a loud explosion sounded, and we froze.

"What...was that?" I stammered, sitting up a bit, to look outside the cavern where Jayden was now looking. His eyes had turned blood red in seconds, and I shivered at the change in him. The air fell silent for a few more minutes, while he calculated something. I bit my lip slightly then tugged on his pants gently, to regain his attention. His eyes softened the moment he looked at me, and I couldn't help but blush as the softness turned to a look of lust, as I recalled our heated session only moments before. Almost reluctantly, he pulled himself from off of me, and mumbled something under his breath, as he brought himself to his full height. I sat there staring up at him, almost like a lost kitten until he looked down at me again. He smiled calmly but his eyes told me he was anything but calm.

"We should go—it's best not to stay here," he said, running his hands through his hair seemingly distracted again. I bit my lip and nodded slightly, as he reached down his hand and pulled me off of the ground quickly.


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