Ten Degrees Celsius: Part 36

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Jayden POV

My eyes opened at the sound of Tia's chattering teeth, it must have been around ten degrees Celsius, this estimate was based moreso on Tia's blueness, since my element is fire—(bet you forgot that) I was completely unaffected. One of the blokes had mentioned the nights could get that cold once, I recalled rolling my eyes, somehow the fact it was the same one that caught Stephanie made me even more piss, as if the information somehow made him worse. My mind burst out from that thought almost instantly when I realised Tia was shivering, she really wasn't use to this temperature since she was from California, I deemed. My eyes drifted over her frail body covered with dirt, and a few bruises, especially around her neck, and with this cold she must have been having a hard time, I reasoned, although this girl can stand quite a bit without saying anything. I glanced away from her for a second to look at the "fire" she was making, since she didn't make it by now, the dampness in the air probably soaked the wood already—so she's probably never going to be able to make fire. I grit my teeth silently, and I was way to tired to make any flames, Yup...we're going to have a lot of crap to go through thanks to yours truly, I thought grudgingly—however even in my own thoughts it didn't sound as annoyed as it ought to have.

She turned her head around slightly, and I could feel my breath catch in my chest, Gosh, she was beautiful, I grit my teeth in an attempt not to gap at her, I'm supposed to be annoyed aren't I!? I pulled my eyes from her face in an effort to focus my thoughts again allowing them to roam over her; her hair was a mess; she was covered in dirt and her clothes were almost as tattered as mine, and she seemed more or less unhurt yet somehow my thoughts kept reeling around the fact that she makes being a mess look as sexy as hell. I clenched my jaw, this was obviously not working. She bit her lip slightly, and my mind filled with thoughts of nibbling at her beautiful lips, alright perhaps I should give up on the annoyed thing...it's Tia—I should have at least expected it, it—is—Tia, I finished enunciating each word in my mind, she's been rebelling against everything I've said every day since we met...but this shouldn't have happened, it was my loss—I shouldn't have allowed this to get so out of control.

"Sorry, did I wake you up?" she asked non-chalantly, her words corrupted by her own chattering teeth. She gave a slight shrug, although even with that I could plainly see she was trying to hide her discomfort, I watched her intrigued, she was making every effort to not get me involved, and independently solve her own problems, she would probably have sat there and freeze before she asked me for help, I concluded, Her resolve still astounds me. I bit back a smile, although I suppose I am getting use to knowing what action she actually believed in and which ones she did based purely on gut, I stifled a laugh, that's my girl. A small smile crossed my lips, as I watched her look across at me in complete innocence yet strength, my lamb, I thought proudly, as I raised one of my hands to signal for her to come closer. She hesitated, then started to crawl over to me, but stopped a foot away from me.

I silently urged her closer, this time she moved ½ an inch towards me but she was close enough that I could smell her scent immersing me. My body took over as I grasped her hand and pulled her into my chest, causing her to crash into me, encasing her mouth in mine in the same motion. Any thoughts of holding back vanished as I moved my mouth against hers, hungrily caressing her lips with my own. After those weeks, thinking I may never see her again, I just couldn't stop myself. I kissed her with everything that was burning inside of me since the first time we met, her lips began to move along with mine, and I swear I was in heaven. I could feel myself getting turned on as a moan erupted from my throat, I traced my tongue over her lips begging entry into her mouth; she complied, allowing me to slip my tongue in and taste her, gosh she was delicious.

A moan erupted from the back of her throat, and I got even harder, I needed her—my body was yearning for her; I pulled her closer to me, dying to be able to feel her against me, as her heavenly scent engulfed me. My arms wrapped around her small body, as my hands roamed up and down the stretch of her back and brushing her breast slightly, her breath caught in her throat in response, and I burnt with even more desire to caress her body.

I pulled her on to my lap securely, and allowed myself to caress her butt, earning a delicious moan, as I pulled her even closer if it were possible. She bit my lower lip slightly and I could feel a groan of need come from my throat, gosh this girl was killing me. Just being able to touch her was enough to make every worry, pain, hurt fly from me, I don't know how she did it, I deemed, relishing in kissing her as my head bowed to kiss her neck; she moaned quietly and tilted her head back to give me more access. I kissed her with everything I had, and sucked on her skin as if it was a drug. She shivered slightly in my arms, and I pulled away, now dimly aware she was probably still cold. Her face went through so many changes when I pulled away, at first she seemed just as upset about the broken kiss as I was and then she turned bright red in embarrassment. I smiled, and gently lowered my head and pecked her on her lips again, then on her head, then.... crap I'm getting carried away again. I looked down at her face, she didn't seem to mind, but I fought the urge to kiss her on her lips again.

"You're freezing," I stated, she looked up at me wordlessly; she shivered slightly as if just reminded that she was cold. She would need a lot of warmth, I realised even more than me just holding her in my arms, I guess I don't have any other choice. I cringed, I really didn't want to do this—people generally didn't take this well, not even my sister, but it was this or she freezes, and I can't let that happen.


"Go back a bit Tia..." he murmured in my ear, sending tingles and electricity through my entire body. I felt an urge to argue, I really preferred to be next to him, I could feel sadness engulf me at the thought, am I so annoying... I flinched as another wave of hurt washed through me; I bit my lip feeling the heat from his kisses before. I inched away involuntarily and then after I moved a foot he closed his eyes and his body began to metamorph, I must be weird but it looked really cool. His hair grew out, and he gradually transformed into the same wolf I met the first time I saw him. Thick black fur, and the size of a horse even while lying on the ground but instead of looking dreadfully menacing there was a certain warmth coming from it. He quickly pushed off his pants, and then turned to look at me cautiously, as if expecting me to run away. I exhaled slightly in awe, as I continued to look at his grandeur.

"Can I touch you?" I asked without thinking, excitement rimming my voice as I recalled the urge I had to pet him the first time I saw his wolf form. He looked quizzical for a moment then appeared to shrug as I bounced closer to him and allowed my hands to comb through his mane, it was amazing--soft and so warm, electricity tingled in my fingertips as I realized I felt my hands again for the first time in forever. It wasn't like an oven that made me want to jump away, it just seemed so natural and toasty, and so right-- like hot Chocó on a cold night, "You remind me of a Winnie the Pooh blankie." I stated without thinking.


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