Untitled Part 46

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Stephanie POV

A loud cry sounded through the cave, and I froze and looked back. A small smile crossed Esther's lips.

"Seems as though, we have company," he stated, then looked down at me, "perhaps it's our guest of honour." I counted the men, a couple of them had been left behind along the path, at a junction or two—almost as if Esther WANTED him to find us. Although, he did say he wanted to meet him, I recalled, but he was just weird, he was practically leading him to us. I turned back ahead and started walking again, cautious to not upset Esther with my stalling. In a way I really hoped it was Jayden—but that would mean that whatever trap Esther was laying out for him, he was falling into—and we were getting really close to the fountain—I could feel it.

Please, be safe Jayden, I prayed silently, as I walked beside Esther, please...

Jayden POV

It's odd for him to waste so many men, I deemed as another one fell to the ground unconscious...these men would definitely be more effective in a group...so why was he sending one at a time at me. Esther's not the type to underestimate his enemy...and there is a limit to how many alarms he needs right... Someone dropped down in front of me. Another one? I questioned, dodging him, and stepping backwards, only to hit into another guy. Two? He sent a few more guys here, I realised, as the two combined to attack me. The area that they where was also tight, and difficulty to move around was evident. I needed to end this now, I thought, and without killing them. I blinked half shocked, where did that thought come from!? I asked flustered, side stepping another weapon. Seriously, since when have I cared, I thought, interestingly the other guys I had fought I also hadn't killed—somehow that thought made me feel a bit proud of myself.

"HA!" the man cried, punching at me, I grabbed his fist and flung him to a side, and he slammed unceremoniously against the wall. The other one had taken the chance to get behind me and aim for my blind spot, I twirled instantly avoiding his fist and punching him with my own. This is a waste of time, I deemed, turning to run, he's just baiting me.

* * * * *

I ran into an opening, since the last elites, no one else was in the path to stop me. I stopped by the door, and I noticed Esther standing behind a fairly large group of elites, with Stephanie standing beside him.

"So you have been holding out on me?" I said, looking at the elites guarding him even after sacrificing at least five in the cave there were still about 25 elites left, and they all looked stronger than the ones in the cave.

"Did you have fun playing with your juniors?" Esther asked, smiling slightly, " Needless to say, I left the real play time til last."

"I would have been disappointed if that was what you had considered playmates," I responded, flexing my muscles, "I've come to expect more of you."

"So I of you," Esther stated, "But you've disappointed me."

"Pity," I responded, bounding forward into the sea of elites, they all bounded forward to attack me, all co-ordinating with each other so as to not get in the others way and shielding each other in case they were off guard. They were well trained, I thought, that's not good. 

The men had blocked my path in a matter of seconds and were continuing a full blown assault on me, if my wound hadn't almost completely healed and I hadn't had so much practice fighting—I would have been screwed. Now I was only slightly screwed, I grimaced, as I pushed them off of me, and jumped backwards. Esther's hand was placed on Steph shoulder, signalling I would clearly have to fight him if I planned on getting her back. My eyes flew back to the men in front of me, I had to deal with these guys first...all of which were individually strong and yet still collectively strong—they could probably fight Esther, and make him exert himself, meaning fighting both them and Esther was suicide.

 I grit my teeth, oh well, I've got to try something, I thought pushing forward again, the men all bounded forward to attack me again practically simultaneously. And my blades clashed against some of their weapons, and I tried to dodge some of theirs. I could go all out from the start—but that'll just deplete my energy, I reasoned, I need to find another way to win this, I calculated, as I leaped about the place trying to find a glimmer of a chance at victory, or at least a draw.

"Isn't running a bit pathetic, Jayden," Esther said, "I didn't teach you like that at all. You've been spending too much time with that human girl." There was deep distaste in his voice, he associated all weakness with humans, and despised it all.

"Who said I was running?" I stated, dodging again, "I was just calculating how I was going to defeat you."

"Defeat me—Jayden, you're too powerless to do anything to me," Esther replied, "Even if you beat them...even if you get back your sister...SHE WILL DIE, HER DISEASE WILL KILL HER. You can't do one darn thing, to stop it." He gloated as a smile crossed his face, "And right now, you can't even touch me."

I cringed, he had an unmistakeable point—I was completely powerless to do anything—completely and utterly useless. I could feel my body lax, was this completely hopeless, I thought, as more men slashed at me—there were no easy openings, and I was undoubtedly being pushed back. I'm still too powerless to do anything....

"JAYDEN IS NOT POWERLESS!" I heard a voice call, instantly I recognise the voice and my head snapped momentarily to look at her, as she ran up to me, and kicked at one of the men, and causing the others to jump back also, " He can definitely do something," she said glaring across at Esther momentarily then back to the mob in front of us. Esther glared at her.

"What can he do?" he scoffed, at her, and I could feel my jaw clench at the way he looked at Tia.

"He can kick your butt," she stated confidently, at that Esther sniggered.

"Have I mentioned—he can't even touch me?"

"That's just because he was trying to do it alone!" she announced, "He's got me to stand by him now." I could feel my chest swell with pride, I couldn't have done anything to deserve this girl—I really couldn't have. I bit myself slightly, to refocus as I turned to her.

"Tia, I appreciate it," I started trying to hide the happiness I felt from just having her with me, "But you HAVE to leave, this place IS NOT safe for you." I continued, my eyes were still watching the huge numbers of elites there—even with Tia's power I was not willing to risk it.

"Yes, I know you said, stay with the army," she said rolling her eyes, the way she did it was so cute, I couldn't help but think although she was clearly ignoring my request. I sighed.

"Yes, I did say that," I whispered, she really can't help but disobey me, I thought momentarily, still trying to sound stern as the men resumed their attack.

"Well I did do that!" she announced happily, I blinked, only then noticing loud thuds as a few hundred men ran in and engaged the elites in front of us.


"We'll all stand with you, Jayden, so deal with Esther," she said, smiling slightly as a man engaged her in battle and she kicked him in the shins. "So don't worry about these guys." I exhaled, and pulled her to me briefly, kissing her lightly on the lips.

"Please, don't do anything stupid," I instructed, praying she'd listen to me for once, "Please don't die." I begged again, it kind of worked last time—she did stay with the army. She nodded.

"And please, don't lose," she said teasingly, I smirked slightly at her test, and pulled her face to mine again kissing her softly.

'I won't.' With that I ran over to Esther who was also being engaged by some humans, dang they're a lot of them, I thought, as I got closer. His grip still didn't move from Stephanie even as he flung off the humans.

"So then, are you ready to be my playmate?" I questioned, earning his attention as he turned to face me. Steph winched in pain when he looked at me, and I assumed he squeezed her tighter. I clenched my jaw and stared across at Esther, as his eyes turned a familiar pit black, and it felt as if the war occurring around us began to disappear.

'Are you ready to rumble?' he asked acidly.

'Make my day,' I taunted, allowing my blades to slide out with a loud ting like unsheathing swords.

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