Chapter 18 - Whatever you say

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"Are you guys done?" a voice broke in from below me. I jumped back, out of his grasp and away a good two feet, when I looked down, I saw a four foot girl, with a amused grin on her face and a shine in her eyes. I forgot she was here. My heart throbbed thunderously in my chest, as my hands flew bashfully to my lips. Jayden moved his hands to his pockets, and laughed softly. Gosh, he has a wonderful laugh, I found myself rethinking, as my throat dried.

"Once again you're in no position to make demands," he said, a mischievous smirk beginning to form on his face. I stood stunned as he turned to walk out, behind Steph who had her lips pierced quietly, "But I had fun, I'm not going to give up the chance to play with you," his eyes sparkled as he stepped out of the door, "See you tomorrow, Titi." He closed the door behind him, as I stared wordlessly at the door, stepping forward still too much in a daze to lock it. I bit my lip, yes he was cocky, yes he stole my first kiss, and yes I should be angry. My heart rate slowed down to a steady drum, loud enough I could hear it beating in my ears, and I wrapped my hands around myself gently. But why do I want him near me body was aching to be near him, and I just can't stop it.

Jayden POV

" we'll be in contact?" Esther smiled mischievously at the man. He held a sick expression on his face, as he stared pass him at me. I propped on a wall behind Esther flexing my muscles and allowing my travel blade, dripping in blood to scratch the ground below when he hesitated too long.

"Yes, of course," he replied exasperated but meek. He was a lot humbler now, after I killed all of his underlings. Each of their dead bodies lied on the ground around him as a reminder. He came to the meeting arms raised, and puffed up, and yet now he was barely able to purr to everything Esther said. Typical human...the only one that was an exception to this rule was her. My chest tightened and a light smile threatened to play on my lips at the thought of her strong eyes that turned tender the moment I touched her. You must stay focus, Jay, an inward voice told me.

Esther turned to back the man, with a disgusting smile stretching across his face and began to walk towards me. I noticed the man flinch and within a second I was by his side with my blade to his neck. It wasn't wise to oppose Esther directly, despite I did the killing most of the time, Esther wasn't a force to mess with, and he wouldn't hold back for a mere human.

"Don't rush your life," his hand shakily released the grip it held on his gun, and I turned from him to follow Esther.

* * * *

"Good call, Jayden, I don't want him dead, yet," Esther was facing me as we drove down the highway in the back of the limo, he said referring to the intel and funds the tycoon would give them, "But do not assume, next time you can kill the scum—they're plenty more like him." I shifted slightly in my seat, to glance cross at him. His eyes were dark, I was certain demons could reside in them.

"Whatever you say," I agreed, turning again so my attention could fall back on the carpet, not as if it really matters.



"We're here, big bro!!" Steph yelled the moment she opened the door.

"Don't you guys have great hearing or something? Why do you need to yell?" I asked resting my bag lightly on the counter; relieved he wasn't there yet. I was by all means not anxious to see him either. My body simply wasn't ready for it.

"That's what I'm trying to figure out," Jayden said, I jumped and turned to him. He was wearing a towel again, but he was considerably drier than last time. Unfortunately...he looks so sexy with water dripping off. Wait—did I just think that?

My face heated up, but luckily he wasn't looking at me anymore, he was now glaring down at Steph.

"I could hear you if you breathed when you come in, stop making so much unnecessary noise," he scowled. She nodded a solemn apology again, just like the previous night but this time he glared down at her.

"Why does it matter that much? Does it hurt having such great hearing?" I asked innocently, a plan formulating to torture him by making a ridiculous amount of noise if he said yes. His head turned warily to me, obviously catching my drift.

"Not quite as much as it'll hurt you if you try something," he threatened, I couldn't decide between being afraid or amused by his threat. I chose to smile.

"Whatever you say," his face tightened, and his muscles involuntarily flexed at my choice of words. I could literally feel his emotion as if he was a part of me, it felt almost a if I was losing something, kind of dear to me.

"Is something wrong?" I asked instinctively. His eyes just flashed across to me suspiciously.

"We'll start practice now," he stated looking over to Steph, she bounded from my side and went into the back of the apartment to put down her bags that she brought over to my place, and he walked away towards the living room. Wait? Did he just ignore me?

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