Looks Bad: Part 34

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"You annoying whelp! Shut up! Knock out the brat!" he yelled turning to Stephanie, in the second he turned I closed the gap, slashing at his hand that was clutching on Tia's throat. He pulled away in a moment, releasing Tia, allowing her to fall unconsciously into my arms. In the same blink of an eye I distanced myself to go by Steph's side.

'Tia, wake up, darn it!' I yelled, holding her so she wouldn't fall again, she shifted slightly in my arms. Well that didn't work, but at least it's a bit easier to move, I deemed, as I finally caught up to the man holding my sister, his arm clasped around her throat in a head lock, as he carried her like a rag doll. It wouldn't take much for him in elite state to snap her neck--I had to attack him quickly. Behind me I could feel the presence of Esther, watching me, as if waiting for me to drop my guard, knowing that to attack the bloke I would be left at least a bit defenseless. I moved Tia to prop on one hand as I turned so I could slightly watch both.

"Give me her, now," I said threateningly. The bloke grinned slightly, he had ran to the edge of the crevice, making him cornered, if Esther wasn't there, I would have won this completely. I grit my teeth. I was in serious trouble here, I reasoned. Esther took a cautious step towards me, both he and I knew that although he was super strong, I was as well even if he was probably more experienced, I wasn't someone he could take lightly. Although that sinister smirk on his lips told me he also found my situation amusing, with Stephanie being unconscious as well as Tia, I was without much of a plan, just what did those two come here for? I complained internally.  I grimaced, I need a plan, I told myself trying to focus on the problem at hand, but with Steph as a hostage—even if Tia was awake... it'd still be difficult to beat them both. Neither of us are likely to make much of a fight with Steph's life so clearly in danger. I stepped forward towards the bloke, and he took a step back, should have killed him earlier when I had the chance, I regretted inwardly.

" Do you honestly think I'll give her back to you?" the bloke asked, Tia moved slightly beneath me,

'Geez, Tia wake up'

'uugh' was the response I got followed by her finally opening her eyes.

"Uggh..." she voiced aloud, steadying herself on her feet again.

"It's about time," I murmured, poking her slightly so she'd notice the situation she was in.

"Ah... Looks bad."

"You think," I replied sarcastically, yet feeling a bit better having her awake with me again.

"I've an idea," she stated, I noticed Esther and the bloke tense, "Follow my lead." By the time the words left her mouth, she was charging and I simply followed by her heel. What on earth is she planning? I hope it's good... She charged straight into the bloke, knocking him off balance and her also, throwing all three of them into the crevice over the cliff, within a second I had dived in behind them, while Esther stood at the top looking in. I caught up to Tia first, pulling her closer to my chest.

"Don't worry about me catch Steph!" she yelled pushing me away, Steph was a little ways below us, but since she was unconscious she fell slower than usual, so this was her plan? I angled myself so I could fall faster, it's good thing this crevice is deep, else we would have already hit, I found myself thinking, as I noticed Tia doing the same thing as me to speed up. The bloke had to have hit something because he was no longer in sight. We were steadily getting close to Steph as she dropped unconsciously downward, and then a black midst seem to open up at the bottom.

"What the hell is that?" Tia asked, Steph reached it first and fell straight in. Crap, time for plan b, I thought, pulling her involuntarily to me, and reaching for the cliff edge. I released my blades allowing myself to scratch onto the side, slowing down our fall and stopping us before we reached the pit.

" Jayden, what are you doing!?" she screamed, struggling slightly in my arms.

"That's Esther's portal...we're at his mercy if we fall in there too." And Esther's not that big on mercy...

"What about Stephanie?" she cried, I grit my teeth while looking up at the mischievous smile playing on Esther's face as he closed his vortex and looked down the cliff edge at us.

"Call me when you change your mind, Jay," Esther said, right before he turned around, to walk away, "That is of course, if you survive." A huge dark, black hole opened up right above us in the blink of an eye, and within seconds debris from the weaponry the men were using as well as their bodies was falling down. Crap!


Sorry about that. J But I literally couldn't resist a cliff hanger. Hope you continue with me on the next day.

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