Journey: Part 41

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"Which way...?" I asked, as his hand dropped to his side releasing mine, as I got to my feet, I instantly missed the contact.

"That explosion...was probably caused by Esther," he said, glancing across at me briefly, "We should find him—if we go in that direction." I grabbed his hand in mine and squeezed it gently

"Alright, I'm ready," I responded eagerly.

Stephanie's POV

I am soo tired, I thought again, willing myself not to cry. I was walking right next to Esther unfortunately, the man wouldn't let me out of his sight. From the time I woke up, they had me in a car beside him now that we entered a forest I was to walk beside him. I was also really tired, it was hard to sleep with someone you despise right beside you, and now it was even harder since he had me walking through a forest. I hadn't even bothered to run away—I mean even if I ran I'd have been caught...there were at least thirty elites with us now, and they were strong—they just massacred a group of at least 100 armed humans, I didn't stand a fleeting chance. I just hoped wherever we were heading Jayden would be able to find me.

"Stephanie, which way," It wasn't a question—yet again, I sighed and tried to calm myself—if I was unable to find the fountain for them—it didn't matter how many times I could heal myself, he would kill me in an instant—and I can't heal death, especially my own. I focused my energy on the water.

"I feel the water coming from this way," I pointed out. Esther started to walk in the direction.

"Are you sure you're not lying to us?" one of the other elites asked, moving close to my ear, I jumped away instantly, "Can we really trust this brat?" he asked turning to Esther. I frowned, why on earth would I lie, When we had left the car Esther had ordered me to call my healing water to me, and tell him which direction it was coming from so for the pass few hours that's all I had been doing, I barely knew where we were going! The main thing on my mind was, survival. Just doing what he said and not pissing him off...although I was vaguely aware his intentions couldn't be good, so I did my best to waste as much time as possible choosing a scenic route when I saw an opportunity...but we'll still get there. . A few men murmured in agreement at his accusation.

"Also, I heard that an electricity user is coming for this kid—that ability is extremely troublesome," another man said. Esther glared across at him. Electricity? They're electricity users?

"The place we're going to—will give me the power to beat ANYONE—despite what power they have or the numbers they have, men this is the destination where the outcome of this war WILL be decided," Esther claimed, silencing them, "As for this child—she isn't so foolish—if anything she's stalling, but she'll get us there," Esther stated, I felt a shiver ran up and down my spine. Did he read my mind!? I thought, trying my hardest not to show my fear on my face. And if he knows—why isn't he angry with me?

"If—if you know that much—why aren't you insisting I hurry..." I blurted out without thinking, I regretted speaking the moment the words left my mouth, Tia was definitely rubbing off on me. I cringed looking downward waiting for him to hit me or something, instead a heavy wave of energy filled the air. I looked up slowly to see Esther's eyes turn dark black, and an almost black glow surround him, as a small sick smile crossed his lips.

" Because I too want to meet your brother, if he's still alive that is," he replied, sending a shiver up my spine at the acid in his voice, almost making me feel like bursting into tears. And he was SMILING!? I tried to swallowed, but there was officially no liquid left in my mouth, what did Esther plan to do to Jay—his energy escaping signalled just a bit of the power he possessed

Esther lowered his head, and moved closer to me as his smile turned into a frown , "But if you stall too much, and I get annoyed—I hope you're prepared to never see your precious brother again." I nodded dumbly, feeling as if my legs would give out just before his smile returned and he turned and walked away. He's so freaking creepy, I cried inwardly, Jayden—Tia save me!!

"Walk beside me," He ordered not bothering to turn around. I folded my fist, digging my nails into my hands to try to regain some feelings, as my body gradually started to move forward to walk to his side. I was so scared—but this guy was planning to get even stronger—there could even be a chance he was already stronger than Jayden—I shook my head furiously. I can't think like that...Jayden can't be defeated...he'll come for me...and I know he'll win...

"Aren't you concerned your precious brother won't turn up," Esther said, a smile on his face. My face didn't show any concern from his taunt.

"My brother loves me—to the point of even throwing himself away," I stated confidently.

"Then why'd he chose that girl over you?" Esther sneered at the mention of Tia, and I shrugged slightly.

"Choosing her or me—Jayden never made that kind of choice," I replied vaguely, Jayden would give up everything for my sake—but to him...Tia was probably everything. When he was with Tia...I swore I never saw him so happy. It was as if she was bringing him back to the person he was before he joined the E-elites. I frowned slightly, that idiot would probably feel a loss if something happened to me—but if something happened to Tia...he would be lost, without even noticing it—she's become his heart.

Jayden POV

I stole another glance at Tia who seemed content to hold my hand as we weaved our way through the forest. I never understood the point of holding hands, but in this moment—I really just want to touch her, even if it's just her hand. I sighed, I'm turning into a wuss, I thought glumly as she swung my hand gently to get my attention. I looked across at her, momentarily dazed by her beauty, until I noticed she was pointing at something, motioning me to follow her gaze.

"Isn't that tree a little too big?" she asked skeptically. I shrugged, true it was huge, maybe even a mile high I calculated, studying it now. I looked around for the first time actually noticing our surrounding since we started walking, interestingly all of the other trees were extraordinarily large. Yes I admit it, during our little walk the scenery was the last thing on my mind—but can you blame me!?

"Maybe...they're just old," I pondered dubiously, barely believing my own reason, the tree itself wasn't even cracked or damaged in anyway...almost like if the bark itself was only there for a few days although it was so huge. She raised her eyebrow skeptically.

"Or maybe they just grow quickly," she replied sarcastically, I hid my smile.

"Maybe you're right," I responded, she glared.

"Something's strange here..." she continued ignoring my comment, Maybe that was true—but I was having a hard enough time focusing on the IMPORTANT matter, with her small hand in mine—trees were not going to preoccupy any of my thoughts.

"Maybe...but it's not important right now—right now we..."I started but froze, as I heard a ping coming from the trees.

"What is it?" she asked, moving closer to me. I saw a flash, and moved instantly to push her and myself to the ground, covering her with my body as a bullet flew over our heads, and a gunshot sounded. "What happened?!" she stammered, as I pulled her to her feet, and stood between her and the gunman. I glared across at the bushes as I watch them move slightly as someone came closer to us. I frowned, I still wasn't in a condition to fight any huge group of humans, but I'd be darned if I let Tia get hurt.

"Who the hell shot at us!?" I yelled, anger radiating from my voice, as Tia touched my shoulder slightly to push pass me so she could also see. I instantly felt tingles, flow through me at her touch, reminding me that she was still fine. There was no response for a moment, then a bit of rustling in the bushes.

" It was me," a voice called, I tensed myself as a man wielding a shot gun came out of the bush, "I thought you were a threat."

"I'll show you a threat..." I growled, preparing myself to attack him. The man stiffened in response.

"My mistake...are you a threat?" he asked threateningly, as about fifteen more men wearing loins came out of hiding as well. From behind I could feel, Tia gently squeeze my shoulder, before she allowed her hand to slide down beside mine, sending electricity all the way down my arm.


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