Wake Up Call Part 13

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Jayden POV

"Good morning, Sir," Stephanie sang, "I'm Stephanie! We spoke on the phone." Tia's father stood about 6 ft 3' looking down the steps at a smiling Stephanie while I stood a good two feet behind her. There was a method to the madness, generally people like her more—who would think, right? Tia's dad looked down astonished at first and then recognition flooded his eyes.

"Oh you're Tia's new friend-friends," he added the extra part quickly after seeing me, only a moment after. His eyes looked calculative suddenly and then turned warmed to smile.

"How may I help you?" he asked, opening the door widely now, motioning for us to come into the house, "It's morning still but do you want to come in and speak with Tia—unfortunately she doesn't seem to be awake yet," Steph nodded attentively, as Tia's dad continued, as I strode in the house looking around carelessly and sniffing the air a bit to get a better idea of my surroundings, "Tried countless times to call her awake but she keeps ignoring me. Got me going through hell with little Sherry here."

"Little Sherry?" Steph inquired as if on cue.

"I'll let you meet her, perhaps she'll listen to you," he said nervously as he led Stephanie in to the kitchen.

He's really trusting, I thought bleakly, as I realized I was left in the living room alone. Although, he was probably expecting me to follow also—but I'd didn't exactly come to play babysitter. I heard a faint sound from up the hall, of jagged breaths, and then I smelt her. Tia, she was hyperventilating, as I sort of anticipated. I was gone before Steph and Tia's dad glance back.


Tia lay motionless in my arms as I carried her, bridal style again to her bed, my body was erupting in calming tingles, and heat, as it often did when I held her. She looks exhausted, I thought looking down at her peaceful face, obviously she didn't sleep the moment she got home. Although after using so much of her powers for the first time it was expected she would be exhausted, lack of sleep just made it worse. It wasn't really a wonder that she faint. I rested her tenderly on the bed, laying her perfectly on her back. Her hand moved slightly from her side, and she released a peaceful breath of air, relaxing her entire facial expression.

I knelt down beside the bed unconsciously until I was staring directly at her face. I could feel a wave of peace wash over me, as I stared at her soft, tender expression. Gosh, she was beautiful...how could I have even brought myself to rid the world of such a thing, I'm sure it would have been single-handedly the worse thing I'd ever done...and that was saying a lot for me. She pierced her beautiful lips slightly, as she fidgeted in her sleep. My fingers strayed lightly up her hand, and traced a line from her collarbone to her neck; mesmerized by her smooth, soft feel, adoring it and sensation of warmth in my fingertips. In a trance I ran my finger up her neck, and I felt her body lightly shiver beneath my touch.

'Would you get that thing away from me—or kill me—I don't want to be touched by the same person that shed the blood of innocent people!!' the thought of what Tia said the day before flashed into my mind again and I pulled back my hand instantly. That's right..., I reminded myself, raising myself to my feet so I could stand over her. I closed my eyes slightly as I listened to Steph and Tia's dad steps as they returned to the living room, and began to exit, you're a killer, Jay...no-one will want to be close to you, so you touch only to kill— nothing more. And right now—she's on the no touching list.



Laughter echoed throughout my room from the hall, and the sound of children playing outside came through my window. I blinked bewildered; Children? Don't they have school? I flung my feet out of my bed wildly and froze the moment I touched the ground. Wait a sec...was I always in bed? A flash back of getting out of the bed before came to mind, followed by my previous episode of falling, and amazingly never touching the ground. How did I get in bed then? I blinked again moving my feet uncomfortably against the warm floor. Jayden; I remembered his voice...followed by very strong, firm, warm arms that encased my midsection. A slight tingle ran down my spine and I released a breath trying to calm myself as a light blush formed on my cheeks. That was...Jayden? How could he even be here? I must have been dreaming...

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