Cooler to Be Dead: Part 35

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Tia PoV

"Hey! What's going on?!" I yelled, he wasn't even paying attention to me, as I saw his body shake with a blow, his arms circling around my waist, and his body covering mine completely. Jayden released an audible groan of pain, something else seemed to hit him and it knocked the breath out of him. I could hear him cursing underneath his breath as the sea of debris endless fell on him. I could feel my heart in my chest as I watched as each debris made him convulse more, "Jayden..." I whimpered underneath him, feeling more and more remorse as each blow hit him.

"Crap, this aint gonna work," he managed weakly, right before his blade retracted and he fell back from the cliff wall just in time for another debris to come hurdling towards us. I could hear myself scream, as a sharp, jagged edged sphere flew down at record speed, I could feel myself suddenly be turned in the middle of the air as Jayden forced his body over mine.

"Ugh!" he bellowed, as the edge struck into his back.

"Jayden!" I could feel myself crying, his arms held me numbly for a moment as we hurdled downwards, "Gosh, Jayden! Are you okay!?" I cried, barely noticing anything but him in that moment. I could hear a soft laugh come from his throat.

"Looks like the bastard stopped it finally," he scoffed softly.

"Jayden!" I tried again, he wasn't looking at me.

"This is gonna hurt a bit," he murmured, swiftly turning me above him again as we crashed into the river below us. I could feel all the breath leave my body as I hit, but it must have been a hell of a lot worse for him. The moment I sunk into the water, I could feel his grip leaving me, I struggled to break the surface then went back under in a heartbeat. Jayden, please be okay, I found myself thinking.

'Jayden! Where are you?!' I asked panicky in my exchange.

'Geez you worry too much' the reply was weak, almost lifeless, completely unlike Jayden.

'Jay where are you?!' I begged, feeling the current carry me further downstream.

'I've no idea...either way—get out, Tia!'

'No way!' I returned. I tried a different approach.

'Jayden's cellphone, tell me...beep me! just let me know where you are?! Please be with Jayden' in a moment I could hear a loud beeping noise, and I used it to swim to him. He wasn't drifting since he was able secure himself between a few rocks, so I tugged him gently using my remaining energy to pull him out of the river and both of us onto the shore.

'This is so uncool,' he deemed loosely in an exchange, as he coughed out water on the ground, barely moving. I coughed silently next to him also.

'So I suppose it's cooler to be dead?' I asked sarcastically. He groaned.

'Maybe...I've never tried it,' I hit him on his side, earning a grunt.

"Crap, I'm sorry!" I yelped moving closer to him, to rest my hand on the wound, my eyes looked it over meticulous, he's bleeding horribly, I realized, my mouth drying out instantly at the thought, what if he doesn't survive from this wound?! I chewed my lip slightly, and my heart wracked with panic again.

"You don't have to write me off as dead just yet, Tia," he said, pulling himself into a complete sitting position up against a nearby tree, I looked across at him biting on my lip, feeling as if I was about to cry and he laughed lightly at me, "Geez, why don't you dig out a grave while you're at it?" I bit my lip, and punched him lightly on his shoulder.

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