Chapter 23 - Twisted Agreement

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  Tia PoV 

"Look, she's a human being too—she's a right to some sort of freedom, you can't keep her cooped up in a room all her life, taking her outside periodically like a pet," I argued. He growled, but didn't reply, only released my chin roughly and turned his back to me sauntering towards the door. I frowned as I watched his back move steadily away from me. I will not let him ignore me, I growled inwardly. Within seconds I was able to switch to elite, I guess weeks of practice paid off, I thought as I flew in front of him stopping him before he could reach the kitchen door. I could feel my muscles tense in mental preparedness as he looked down at me with a completely unreadable expression, almost as cold as the one he had when we first met. 

"Tia—move," he stated authoritatively, without missing a beat, a small grin pulled at my lips as I could feel myself beginning an exchange with him.

'Sorry, Jay but just because you're my teacher doesn't mean I'm going to listen to you,' I thought; that statement seemed to urk him slightly, I noticed his arm flex as he studied me more closely now. I knew he wanted me to move, but as he was doing recently, he seemed to want to avoid direct confrontation with me, I returned his look with the most innocent one I could muster.

'Tia.' he repeated, there was now a bit of a threatening substance in his tone that told me I was well on my way to pissing him off, yet his relaxed, undaunted expression still remained. I gazed easily back at him, my smile still playing on my lips only to be rewarded with him clenching his jaw. But dang, he did it soo sexy, I found myself thinking momentarily. "Do not make me attack you," he stated, bursting into my thoughts. I contorted my face into a frown, as I watched his eyes shimmer slightly. Why was this act finally the straw that'd break the camel's back, I was pretty sure, hiding his work phone was worst, or turning his personal phone to automatically turn on even when he was 'busy' so we could call him would rile him up more but it hadn't. Not like this.

"Just tell me why you're freaking out so much about Steph living her life!?" I defended, balling my fist unconsciously.

"You—don't need to know." He stressed the 'you' part as if it went without saying. Aside from anger a small surge of hurt pricked me, but I ignored it relying on the anger to fuel an extra surge of energy as it drifted through me.

"Well, then—you...shouldn't expect to get pass here without a fight," I sneered mimicking his tone. He laughed drily.

"Just because you can stay in elite form--even use some additional strength, does not mean you can beat me, Tia." he reasoned, obviously hinting at the last time I attacked him. I shrugged my shoulder slightly, pushing away the previous annoyance and arched myself so I could pounce on him within a moment.

"Well, that's probably true..." I admitted casually, as a flirtatious grin laced my lips, "but—it's a good thing I just need to stall you." A smile threatened to play on his lips also, despite himself and I recognized the familiar twinkle of amusement in his eyes when I did something to purposely annoy him. He followed it up this time by a light laugh although it was practically a scoff, I laughed too. I felt as if we were almost like we're coming to some sort of mutual twisted agreement, I realized as my smile grew broader, it was almost exciting, and from the look in his eyes, it seemed like he planned to enjoy this also.

"I guess you're ready to play then?" he mused openly, "Haven't learnt yet?"

"I'm a slow learner—" I said repeating what I had told Steph a little while before. He laughed melodically.

"I pity you." Within the second the words left his mouth he lunged at me, catching me completely off guard after that heaven sent laugh of his--I call foul play! I barely had a moment to dodge, causing myself to crash unceremoniously into the couch. He quickly recovered from missing me and was lunging himself at me again. This time I managed to dodge with a bit more speed.

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