Just Do It: Part 17

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Jayden was now less than an inch from me, and our bodies were barely touching yet I could feel the heat from him being radiated off in the cold room. His chest looked even broader, and firmer from close up, and I couldn't help imagining his arm encircling me to enclose me in his warmth. Dang, why do I want to be close to him now...?Right after he told me he'll be distant! My eyes shifted to him slightly as he stared studiously at the television, I still couldn't trust him, I still shouldn't, yet a part of me yearned for his touch again. I bit my lip. I'm miserable, I acknowledged, I'm a hopeless, retarded, miserable person who should be overjoyed he's going to distance himself from me. The movie ended, and Jayden's face still looked unreadable, my eyes had flashed to him countless times during the movie this time was no different. And each time I can say without a shadow of a doubt I was feeling worse and emptier by the second.

"So kids, what do you want to do now?" my father asked, both girls turned to him with wide, excited grins, prepared to shout out 'watch another DVD' no doubt and I noticed Jayden roll his eyes.

"It is a bit too late to do something else," Jayden's eyes glanced meaningfully towards the clock, which said 9:30p.m, before either of the girls could shout out something. Dad bit his lip, and both girls' faces fell.

"He's right," dad agreed solemnly, "I was having so much fun, I lost track of time but we should get you kids to bed." I could feel my face turn to a pout as I sent a glare towards Jayden, and he shrugged in response. I chewed my lip, and clasped my fist, in an attempt not to react. He was being ridiculous, just because I said I don't want him around doesn't mean he should make everyone else's life miserable.

"So then...we have to go now?" Steph questioned, pleading with her eyes.

"Yes," he replied coldly, ignoring her as he got up, from sitting next to me. The cold, hit me like a ton of bricks the second he moved. Everything he said that showed his annoyance, felt like a prick to my heart. I pierced my lip together, as I watched him move to the counter to pick up his things.

"Come on Stephanie, it's late," he stated, holding out her bag for her. He didn't even glance in my direction, I could feel my heart prick again and I bit down on my lip harder. Gosh, I had to be the most messed up person I know. Dad walked up to him with a slight smile and turned his hand to Sherry who took it sadly.

"You've to get ready for bed too," he was saying as he looked down at her, he turned his attention back to Jayden as he put a backpack on Steph's back and smiled, "It was great having you guys cross today—hope we can do it again soon, drop by anytime," he was saying honestly as the girls looked sadly towards each other.

"Bye Stephie..." Sherry was saying, I pulled myself up from the couch as I watched Steph face turn even sadder as she spoke to Sherry. My heart burned, and a stick of pain hurt me again, I felt as if I was being left alone, again. It really hurt, I realized. I turned around defiantly forcing a smile on my face, and walked over to them, and looked down at Steph as she looked grimly upward now.

"Don't worry Steph, we'll see each other soon, remember practice," her eyes told me she still wasn't happy, yet she smiled slightly in return.

"Yea..." was all she said. Dad laughed slightly.

"You guys look as if you won't see each other again for years,"

"But big bro is generally busy..."Steph stated hopelessly, glancing up at him slightly.

"Yea but—"

"Most likely I won't see you guys for a few months," Steph continued, she looked as if she would cry. I bit my lip, stroking her on her head slightly, watching Jayden as he released a sigh and shrugged.

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