Untitled Part 49

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Jayden POV

"I made it in time..." Tia said, blood trickling down her mouth, as she bent over Stephanie encasing her. Spears stuck into the concrete around them, and one huge spear stuck out of her back, straight through to the middle of her chest. Her hands propping herself up on either side of Stephanie, "That's great..." she said, her voice trailing off, as she dropped unceremoniously to the ground beside them.

"Ti...ti...TIA!!" Steph shouted jumping up, to kneel by her side, "What am I going to do...?what am I going to do?!" she mumbled tears streaming down her face. Gillan ran beside them, ignoring the fight behind them also.

"Take out the spear, kid!! Sew in the hole—before it's too late!" he ordered, Steph blinked away the tears as she and him pulled the spear out of her back. It was one of those hook spears, I could feel my insides tighten, as she screamed out at the feel of the hook ripping through her body. My body felt so cold, and all I could see was Tia's blood as it spread out around her.

"Tia..." Steph cried, as she tried to focus her energy to mend the hole in Tia's chest. I could feel my throat dry as Stephanie's hands glowed over Tia's body, trying to fix her, and her eyes just opened lifelessly to look at her, and then turn slowly to me. Her mouth opened but no words came out either, only a soft cough of blood.

'Sorry...I broke our promise...still...at least...I looked after your sister...' she exchanged, her consciousness fading away.

'Tia...' I managed.

"TIA!!" I cried out, my knees gave way and I was kneeling before I even knew it. I had thought my world couldn't get any darker...but it's possible if after you've given up on life—and someone's given you back hope...when that small ray of hope vanishes...it's ten times darker than it ever was before.

"Are you upset Jayden?" Esther mused, "Don't worry—people die," he laughed, "You should know that already right?" People die...that phrase stuck out...I witnessed my mother die before me, and my sister close to death—our father died also...people do die, I deemed, unable to move as I watched Tia lay motionless on the floor. Stephanie was in tears beside me, still trying to use the fountain's water to heal her. "Do you feel a great pain Jayden? Do you hate me, like you hated humans—are you nice and bitter...to you want to kill me?" he asked, smiling most likely to my back, "to tell the truth the thought is simply exciting....I love that part of you."

 I didn't look back, he could have killed me now, and he knew it—the man just wanted me to suffer—and I really hoped he'd just have killed me. My body didn't want to respond, it was almost as if every muscle...every limb had gone numb upon seeing her collapse in front of me but was I in pain...I was familiar with that feeling, as I looked at her—pain didn't even seem to do the feeling justice...did I hate him? Again the word...paled in comparison...did I want to kill him? Right now...no feeling...no coherent thoughts were present—a mixture of memories, emotions all dying at once, lulling me out of my consciousness...I didn't know what I was doing there, and I couldn't hear anything or see anything else anymore, there was only one thing I understood...one single phrase made sense, in my brain. KILL ESTHER—and make it hurt.

Steph POV

"Are you upset Jayden?" Esther mused, "Don't worry—people die," he laughed, "You should know that already right?" I bit my lip again, as the streams of tears continued to flow down my cheeks, she couldn't be dead, right...the wound was horrible, and even after mending for a few minutes, using the water from the fountain, it wasn't even closed yet—her heart had now stopped beating for at least 10 minutes, any doctor would have proclaimed her dead in this condition already. More tears streamed down my face—she's really dead? Jayden hadn't made a sound beside me during the past few minutes, after he had called out Tia's name. From that alone I knew he was pleading with me to save her, I sobbed, but I couldn't—I just can't do it...I can't raise people from the dead...it's impossible. The only other sound there was, was of Esther gloating at the sidelines, Gillan fighting beside me and the seemingly meaningless war behind us. I felt so angry, I wish I could kill Esther myself...but really if it wasn't for me she wouldn't have had to die ...if she didn't protect me...if I didn't encourage her to get Jayden out of this with me...that's why...that's why this happened.

I looked across slightly, as I notice a blurry Jayden slowly move beside me. He was standing up, my eyes followed him until he was to his full height, all the while he was standing his eyes were the dullest green I had ever seen them as he rose to his full height then as if switching gears on a car, his eyes swirled through different shades of red. I wiped my eyes slightly, after looking at him, not believing my sight, his eyes had turned so dark red, it was darker than Tia's blood. I choked a sob as I continued to watch him, as he turned away from me and started walking towards Esther. His eyes, were so hellishly dark—they almost look like black soulless pits. Something was strange....

Jayden continued to walk to him, slowly closing the distance between them. There was not a shred of emotion on his face, he just walked, his energy shimmering off of him, at a higher level than I had ever sensed before, to the point that the elites and humans fighting stepped back so he could pass as he made his way to Esther. Esther's face turned to a frown instantly as he watched Jayden. I recalled Jayden said to me once to keep a distance from your opponent—only close it when you've a good attack, but this Jayden was walking closer and closer to him—even as Esther 's face turned to a full frown.

"What?" he stated, it wasn't really a question, Jayden had stopped practically two feet away from him, and his eyes hadn't left Esther's once. 'Jayden,' I hummed silently, 'What are you doing?!' I exchanged. I froze, usually Jayden wouldn't respond to me if he was in a fight but...just then it was like if I wasn't even exchanging...Jayden was completely not there. In an instant he turned into his wolf. But it wasn't his normal wolf, it looked like a rare hybrid of human and wolf standing on 2 legs and Esther jumped back quickly the same moment that Jayden's entire body became engulfed in flames. It was as if a sea of flames were cascading off of his body and Esther stood terror struck also, as he watched Jayden's new appearance. "Interesting, you've learn a new trick," he stated, opening a hole that released something. With a wave of his hand, Jayden burnt them to ashes. My mouth dropped open, at the increase of heat he was releasing. Even from at least ten feet away, I was feeling hot, and perspiration was running down my face.

Esther recoiled slightly at the heat and jumped backward to avoid the flame, but Jayden matched his speed in seconds, slamming a fiery fist in his gut, knocking him down to the ground. Esther quickly used his power to extinguish the flame as he jumped back up to fight Jayden. In a second he had formed flaming balls and was hurdling them at Esther, who seemed to have been struggling to dodge some. The waves were so huge it was impossible for other fighters to not get involved in their fight, elites and humans alike burned by the flames Jayden produced.

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