Chapter 21 - Time's Up?

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Tia Pov

I heard a door close in the distance, Looks like Steph is at least in bed. My eyes scanned the room until I saw Jayden walking warily towards me, What's he tired from!? I grumbled inwardly, I'm the one who had to stay 'focused' for the past five (5) hours. Since his first attack, he'd been doing different underhanded things non-stop to make me lose it—and every single time, he did. That had to be the only thing he could be tired from and it would serve him darn right!

Exhaustedly he sat down beside me, allowing his arms to drape over behind my shoulders, I turned towards him and released a deep growl. If you do anything again, I swear I 'll claw your eyes out, I thought heatedly. An amused smirk lit his face, as if he read my mind. This was possible—since I could have been sending an exchange without knowing—not as if it mattered. In one swift motion he clasped both my hands in one of his pressing them to his chest and leaned in.

"Violent thoughts aren't very becoming, Titi," I growled again, and he laughed while releasing me. Every part of me wanted to sound threatening, and growling seemed like the scariest thing to do, heck it's what he did to me. Although his laughter continued until I swear water threatened to trickle from his beautiful eyes. This seems to be having the opposite effect, I reckoned staring across at him grudgingly, at least he should have the common decency to act like he's scared.

I continued to frown as he wiped a stray tear from his eyes and smiled across at me, eyes glinting brightly—at least somebody's happy, I thought sarcastically, he was thoroughly enjoying himself. My eyes flicked to the timer again two (2) minutes remaining. He's definitely going to do something. My eyes returned to his in a death stare. It's 12:30, I am soo flipping tired, I glowered at him, there is no way, I'm going to let him make me lose focus again. My mind reeled around the stupid pranks he played on me to make me lose focus: cold water, a smoke alarm, he even got Stephanie to give me a poisoned drink—although it turned out to be just medicine; that little traitor Stephanie. But the worst had to be when it took me ten (10) minutes to power up and he then ups and goes to my neck and licks it. I fell out of elite form and my seat, -- the flea invested mutt, I fumed.

"You know being afraid of what I'll do next would be the quickest way to fall out of elite form," he stated, his smirk firmly in place. I glared daggers at him silently.

"Like hell I'm afraid of you!" he gave a devious smile, although everything he did seemed devious to me right about now.

" can talk—it'd suck if you would fall out of elite state every time you spoke," he said, standing up slowly and walking over to the timer. My eyes followed him like a hawk as he picked it up, studied if for a second until it said one(1) minute left and then he turned it back—an hour. Rested it back on the table and turned to me with a devious grin. His instructions took a millisecond to play over, 'Yeah, and if you can stay in it until the timer goes out, you win—'. Anger overcame me and I flew at him in a heartbeat, nails extended and aiming for his throat. I'm a lot faster, I realized almost immediately, when I closed the gap in milliseconds alone. I readied myself to attack he dodged somehow clasping my hands in his again. Fatigue and Frustration fuelling my anger, I struggled furiously to escape. It seemed as if even he was having trouble dealing with my power up as I kicked and flung myself at him. Suddenly the world whirled around me blurring my vision and I felt myself hit against the wall- most likely- although it didn't hurt that much.

My eyes, which had instinctively closed now opened to see a panting Jayden, with his body slammed against mine, and my wrist pinned above my head in a surrender form. It only took seconds for me to realize I was breathing heavily also. A smug smile crossed my lips, when enough of my energy returned to me, and I noticed his eyes too were in elite form.

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