A few years ago: Part 27

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"Didn't we just agree not to share information on our past," I stated testily, Jayden gave me a hollow smile. 

"That's because my past, doesn't matter—I'm entrusting Steph to you," hmph, he's turning serious again, I realized as his eyes flashed red, "I think this is something I need to know. Besides, I've been wondering about you for a while—how you're so strong yet so ignorant. I'm curious about how much danger you really are," I bit my lip slightly, as if to decide, then darted my eyes across to where Steph and Sherry were playing.

"I don't think I am in danger, right now--but I also don't really know much about the situation, so it wouldn't be of that much help to you." I attested.

"We'll see." He replied still holding my gaze, I released a breath.

"Up until four years ago...my family was moving around quite a bit, around different parts of America," I said, "my mom, my real dad and I...obviously Sherry wasn't born yet." He nodded slightly so I would continue, "I never knew why we were moving so much but I got use to it anyway, I was just told it was for my dad's job. They didn't really elaborate what that was either--and I didn't press...but a bit more than three years ago my real dad died."

"How'd he die?"

"I—my mother refused to tell me the details." I replied, "Although I was pretty sure it wasn't a natural death," Jayden looked calculative for a second, but I continued, "I wasn't that close to my dad, but my mom...my mom was devastated, heartbroken...and worried. Very worried—when my father died, my mom shoved us into the car and we lived in that car for a few days, as we traveled to California, because she insisted that we couldn't go back to where we use to live or connect with anyone back there, " I stated, "For almost three weeks we were completely broke and I got a feeling that someone or something was after us and we were on the run from something, not that she told me what in detail. It was at that point, she was reunited with Mike again, he was the only person in California she actually knew," I paused again to breathe, "They had met in high school, and were really close apparently and had my mom not gone overseas to college and met my dad, and practically lived a completely different life, she would have probably married Mike. Despite the years though Mike still cared for my mom, loved her actually--he found out that she was in some kind of trouble, and despite she insisted on not telling him any real details on, he made a decision. I've  lived content and safe for the pass three years, because he decided to stand by her, regardless of the problems she had, simply because he loved her."

"I... see"

"He made a decision to marry my mom, adopt me, raise Sherry as his child and with the help of some unknown friends of my mother, we were able to adjust all of our legal papers, to reflect that he was our legitimate father. While with our silence eliminating the history we had. Mom...calmed down a bit more after that, and I think she started to relax again, and it seemed like if whoever she was trying to run from, wasn't able to find us. At first it was obvious my mom still heartbroken, listless and missed my father, but with time we were becoming a real family. I admired Mike so much, because he helped us even when he didn't have to, calling him dad just came so naturally, and I've been doing it ever since," I finished.

"...so your real dad was an elite?" Jayden asked.

"Probably...but my real father was ever absent—I rarely saw him when he came home," I said matter-of-factly, "I knew next to nothing about him, and I can't help but think that, Mike is probably a better dad to Sherry and I, not that I didn't love my father." Jayden raised an eye-brow curiously.

"And your mother?"

"She practically raised me herself, and told me nothing of elites."

"Where's she now?" I hesitated at his question.

"Burgins Hospital," I stated dumbly, "Even though every bit of our history was erased...mom was still anxious...she...overworked herself to the point she had to be admitted to the hospital ." He flexed slightly, perhaps waiting for me to say something more. I held my peace, not mentioning it was a mental institute that my mother had checked herself into. I was blatantly aware my past was suspicious, I knew my mom was running, but from who? I didn't know...I just knew there was something or someone dangerous that mom, thought was after not just her, but us, and I was pretty sure that was why she left us, with strict instructions of don't visit me. She just didn't want whatever that danger was anywhere close to us, although as time, went on, and I learnt more about the elites and the war, I was beginning to think the secrets that my mom tried so hard to hide were slowly creeping closer and closer to us...and perhaps we were getting to the place where our safe place wouldn't be safe anymore.

Jayden sighed, then I heard a low beeping sound coming from his pocket. My eyes fell to it curiously as his body stiffened before he breathed in, pulled himself to his full height and took out his work cellphone. His whole manner made me tense up as I watched his eyes turn blood red in seconds.


* * * * * ** *

From the corner of my eye I could see Steph tense up also, causing Sherry to stop.

"What's wrong, Stephie?" she asked quietly, pulling on her shirt. I turned my attention to them as Steph took Sherry's hand and walked briskly cross to me, taking my hand and pulling us away from Jayden.

"Stephanie, what's wrong?" I asked cautiously, allowing her to tug me deeper into the park towards the back exit  and away from Jayden.

"Esther's here." She stated. I twisted my face in confusion.

"Who's that?" I asked, picking up Sherry who looked about ready to complain again. I stopped and looked back at Jayden, wow, she pulled us pretty far? Is Esther really that brutal? Jayden was still on the phone, his complete attention seemed to be on it he wasn't even gazing around slightly. He stared at one place the whole time, the front gate. I bit my lip, what the hell is going on here?

"Titi, I wanna play more!" Sherry complained; I bit my lip.

"Sorry Sherry, we're going to have to play another time," I said responding quickly. She pouted, she obviously didn't like the idea, but it quieted her.

"Who's Esther?" I asked again, moving to keep up with the increasingly fast Steph.

"Jayden's boss," she stated, I wondered periodically why we were running, only to see her stop short a little ways ahead of me.

"Why'd we stop...?" Why did we run? I added inwardly, as I looked down curiously at Steph, she was frozen stiff now, staring up almost in fear at something ahead of her, I looked up also, resting Sherry on the ground thoughtlessly as she struggled in my arms. A man wearing an old-fashion, extremely long trench coat stood at the gate, with a grim smile on his face. He presented a dark, sinister aura that could only be matched by Jayden and yet there was something else there making him even more threatening. I inhaled, preparing myself in case I had to fight or something. Almost eerily he took a step towards us, closing the gap in careful strides. I held my ground despite Steph seemed anxious to find another path to run to.

"Stephanie, dear," he said with a velvet yet sickening tone it made my stomach belch, "It seems you've made some human friends." I felt my blood freeze as I could tell Steph's did, he obviously didn't seem happy about it, and he was talking about my little sister, crap.

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