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Chat and ladybug were out patrolling at night making sure that the streets of Paris were safe.

Ladybug loves patrolling it gives her an amazing feeling of freedom. Being behind the mask lets her break away from her reality. Which she really needed to sometimes.

But there's always a little cat following her around cracking puns trying to win her affection. Most nights he failed at doing so but, tonight he had succeeded.


"Chat why are you following me its my turn to patrol alone today" Ladybug said in annoyance.

"Well my lady I thought tonight would be purr-fect for you and I to spend some quality time together" Chat said with a wide smirk on his face.

"I think I've spent enough time with you silly kitty." Ladybug said while giggling.

Chat was a bit in shock that she didn't roll her eyes or, ignore his comment. Maybe she was starting to warm up to him a bit more. The idea made him really excited.

"Yes, that might be true but I'd like to know you better" Chat replied with a wide grin.

"What do you mean b-by that" Ladybug said a bit flustered. What's gotten into me she thought?

He couldn't believe it he actually made ladybug blush. Someone pinch me he thought. But chat being the guy he is accidentally said it out loud.

"Ouch!" He yelped as he felt a sharp pain and his arm.

"What was that for!?" Chat exclaimed pouting dramatically.

"What? you asked for it" Ladybug said with a wide grin.

"Oh I'm gonna get my revenge" Chat exclaimed with a thought in mind.

"Pffft how by repeating cat puns non-stop oh that'd be the death of me!" Ladybug said oh so sarcastically.

She regretted it....she most definitely regretted saying that.

"Not exactly what I had in mind my lady" Chat said as he walked up to ladybug.

"W-what.." She said with a nervous yet terrified tone. They were only inches apart. She could feel his breath.

Knowing Chat he took this chance. And ever so gently kissed his lady on the lips. He heard a squeak which was odd coming from ladybug but, it was adorable.

Before things got to out of hand a beep was heard. Signaling that their time was running out. Chat pulled away with a wide grin on his face. He was happy she didn't pull back or, even worse punch him. Sure she didn't kiss back but, that's to be expected. 

"See, wasn't that purr-fect. I told you I'd get my revenge." Chat said in a very flirtatious tone.

Yet another beep was heard. He knew he had to leave even, if he didn't want too. He respected her wish of keeping their identities secret.

"Well times up, oh and next time....I'll finish what we started see you soon my lady" Chat said as he was swiftly leaving the rooftop.

Once he was gone there was still a very confused ladybug looking almost like the color of her suit.

"W-what j-just happened" said a very confused ladybug.


Phew done with part three. Yea this ones a bit shorter than the others but, there's more to come (thank you for reading) stay tuned bye <3

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