Author Friday!

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Hi guys! So the girl in the picture is me. I thought I'd do one of those author reveal things.

As for the stories, IM SO SORRY FOR THE LACK OF STORIES. I'm a really busy person and school is just killing me.

I swear I'll try to write as soon as possible!!!

Also in July I'll be going to Supercon (in Florida btw), so I'll be a bit busy preparing my cosplay. I'll be cosplaying as Max from Life Is Strange!

I really appreciate all your patience. I never thought I'd have this many readers. (Even though it's not the most amount of readers, it's something).

I love reading all your comments even though it takes me like an hour. They really make my day.

School for me ends June 9, so I'll be free to write a lot of more chapters. Although you guys will still have to wait a bit for me to update more frequently.

I wanted to share this for all the people who think I'm dead, which I'm not. Thank you for enjoying my poorly written stories! As always stay tuned, love you all, and goodbye <3

                    -Sincerely, Author-San

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2020 ⏰

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