Thank you guys!! <3

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So it's been only two days since I published my first chapter and already so many people have seen my fan fiction.

I felt like these were to bad and weren't good enough but, I'm glad to see that so many of you enjoyed them.

Here's the thing I'm running out of one shot ideas so if you guys could help me out that would be great.

I will not write
• sexual content (sorry, I will go edgy but not to that point)
• abuse of any sort
• about these high schoolers being adults (I plan on writing a whole separate fanfic about them as adults so don't hurt me please)

So yea I hope you guys are okay with that and once again thank you for reading (even though some won't read this part) stay tuned bye <3

P.S. I will give credit to the person who came up with the idea (your name will be in the title and at the end in bold)

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