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It was Valentine's Day at school and the class had arranged a special activity. It was basically secret Santa, but Valentine's Day themed.

Marinette was so happy. She had gotten Adrien and couldn't be happier.
The bell had rung and she looked in front of her. He wasn't there.

Maybe he's just running late. She thought.


Hours had gone by and it was time for the activity to begin.

"All right everybody time to exchange gifts!" The teacher clapped.

Everybody was having fun and chatting. She had gotten a gift from Nathaniel. It was a lovely painting of a dress. She smiled.

"Thank you Nathaniel." She gingerly smiled.

"Well it's nothing really." He chuckled.

"Do you mind if I make this dress. It's really beautiful and I'd love to wear something you came up with." She stated.

"Of course! As long as I get to see it when you're done." He smiled.

"Of course!" She said.

Nathaniel had gone back to his desk to draw.

Marinette continued to examine the dress and tried thinking of the fabrics and materials she should use.

With all the ruckus of the classroom the hours had seemed to fly by.


The bell had rung.

"All right everybody remember to do your homework and have a wonderful Valentine's Day." She smiled.

Marinette took quite the walk of shame.

She arrived at her house.

"Hi mom, I'll be doing homework so call me if you need anything." Marinette said.

"Alright dear." Sabine gingerly smiled.

Marinette threw herself into her bed.

The only day she could've given him the gift, it just had to be the day he was absent.

She sighed.

Marinette opened the box and took out the gorgeous navy blue sweater she had made for him. It was a bit bigger so it'd be more comfortable and it was very warm fabric as well.

She put it on her display and began to examine it. Making sure there were no flaws. There was a bit of a tear on the arm which she quickly fixed. Marinette set it aside and began to work on the dress.

She gathered blue and purple fabric. It was a nice cocktail dress that faded from top to bottom. The top part was a pastel purple and faded into a light pastel blue.

She had many hours to work on it.


By the time she was almost finished it had been pretty late.

She yawned and was gonna go to bed when she saw a glimpse of Chat from the corner of her eye.

She went and opened the window for him.

"Hello princess." He smiled.

"Hi chat." She said in a tired tone.

"This dress looks really nice." He said examining the dress.

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