Melodies and Identities Part 3

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"Marinette by any chance are you...."

Did he catch on that quick!!

"Friends with ladybug!"

Wow he's really dense.

"No I was just speaking hypothetically.." Marinette said internally screeching.

"Oh ok" he looked down.

That was close but, I have to tell him sooner or later. Oh!

"Um this is very sudden but, tomorrow meet me in the music room okay." She said giving him a grin.

"Why tomorrow's a Saturday" he said

"You'll see." She said happily.

"Wait I just noticed something"

"What..." She said worriedly.

"You seem to stutter a lot less now that you know I'm Chat." Adrien said with a confused face.

If only you knew.
"Well there's no real explanation for it" she said with a forced smile.

"Well alright then" he said looking at watch.
"Woah it's really late I should get going, bye Marinette" he said while giving her his signature smirk.

"Bye Ch-Adrien see you tomorrow" she said.

"Yea ill see you tomorrow" he said as he left her room and into the night.


Adrien had woken up extra early on purpose. He was for some reason very exited to meet Marinette today. Maybe she's gonna teach me something new on the piano!

He made his way to the school which looked pretty empty on Saturdays. He explained to the security he was meeting someone at the school and was politely let through.

He made his way to the music room when he heard Marinette playing her song on the piano. Man I'll never get tired of that sound. He thought as he quietly entered the room trying not to disturb her. Which didn't last long when he saw who was playing the piano.

"Ladybug!" He yelled seeing her gently stop playing. She then gave him a grin that melted his heart.

"Why are playing Marinette's song and wait why are you here." He asked tilting his head in a cat like manner.

"What do mean why am I here, I'm the one who invited you here in the first place." The moment she finished her sentence the transformation wore off. Revealing plain old Marinette.

Adrien was in total shock. Marinette is ladybug. I thought they looked similar but, wow. Marinette looked at his face and frowned.

"See, didn't I tell you, you'd be disappointed." She looked at him then looked down.

He instantly pulled her into a big hug.

"Your wrong. Right now I'm the happiest person alive." He said as he held her tightly. Wow I'm such an idiot how did I not find out.

"I told you it didn't matter who was under the mask. I'd still love you the same." He said smirking.

"That's a big fat lie but, thanks you silly kitty." She said looking at him with loving eyes.

"Hey does that mean you finally return my feelings" he said giving her the same caring look.

"Who said I never returned them in the first place." She said giving him huge grin.

He grabbed her and kissed her. She gasped at the sudden impact. Then they both melted into the kiss. After a bit Marinette quickly pulled away and it wasn't for air.

"Hey why'd you pull away." Adrien said while pouting. He still didn't let go of her though. He liked her warm embrace.

"Well I thought you'd might like to progress with your piano classes." She said looking away furiously blushing. Marinette actually pulled away because Adrien bit her lip which suddenly shocked her.

"We could've done that later.." He still said pouting and letting go of her to cross his arms.

"How about if you play a full song by the end of today I'll reward you." She said with a cute smile.

Adrien froze and ran to the piano seat. Marinette giggled watching him almost trip over everything. Jeez he really is something.

"Well what are you waiting for. Let's start!" Adrien said with glittering eyes.

"Your an idiot you silly kitty." Marinette said walking over to the seat and sitting next to Adrien.

"You feel for this idiot." He smirked at her. She blushed and went straight to the keys to teach him the basics.

By the end of the day it was getting late so Marinette started to pack up. Adrien glared at her.

"What?" She said noticing his silly glare.

"You said you'd reward me if I played a full song." He said still glaring.

"Oh did I, I can't recall." She said in a jokingly manner.

"Your cruel my lady." Adrien said standing up and walking towards her.

"So cruel I'd have to get my revenge." Adrien said while putting his arms around her waist.

Here we go again. Marinette thought as he once again kissed her. Except this time he wasn't gonna let her pull away.


Finally done with the story I hope you guys enjoyed this 3 part story. I also hoped you guys liked the idea and ending of the story. Thank you for reading stay tuned bye! <3

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